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Tax Return Info Accessed in IRS Hack
May 28, 2015The Internal Revenue Service has temporarily closed down their "Get Transcript" service that was available on their website, due to the theft of taxpayer information from about 100,000 households by hackers. At least, so far about a hundred thousand returns... continued
Over 1100 Dead in India Heat Wave
May 28, 2015A record-breaking heat wave is currently gripping India, killing hundreds, with temperatures hot enough to liquefy asphalt. "As of now, we don't predict any respite from the extreme heatwave for the next few days," reports a spokesman from India's Meteorological... continued
Doctor Offers Analysis of Body in Roswell Slides
May 27, 2015Dr. Richard O'Connor has been in the practice of medicine for 35 years. After viewing the two slides of an unknown body presented by Jaime Maussan in Mexico City on May 5, he offered the opinion in this video. He... continued
This Spring’s Wicked Weather: Climate Watch Called It in February
May 26, 2015The spring of 2015 is on track to be one of the most violent ever recorded in the US. While there were more violent events overall in 2014, there were fewer tornadoes and less flooding. Through May 24, there have... continued
“The Most Astonishing Dreamland I have Ever Done”–Whitley Strieber
May 21, 2015Dreamland is being presented from Wednesday, May 20 this week instead of starting on Friday. The reason is that this show not only makes it clear that the Roswell slides, far from being fakes or images of the mummy of... continued
CERN Heads Toward Staggering Discoveries
May 20, 2015After a two year hiatus, during which time the system has undergone a complete overhaul, CERN (the European Organization for Nuclear Research) unveils a new and much more powerful version of the Large Hadron Collider, and has entered into a... continued
Quantum Physicist: Consciousness Arises Outside of the Brain
May 19, 2015A quantum physicist at Chungbuk National University in Korea has provided mathematical evidence that consciousness cannot be simulated in or replicated by a computer, and in turn that it cannot be the byproduct of neurological activity in the brain. Professor... continued
Yoga Found to Reverse the Effects of Chronic Pain on the Brain
May 17, 2015Chronic pain is known to cause brain anatomy changes and impairments, but yoga can be an important tool for preventing or even reversing the effects of chronic pain on the brain, according to a National Institutes of Health (NIH) official... continued
Bees Dying Off Faster than Thought
May 15, 2015The U.S. Department of Agriculture has reported that more than 42 percent of honeybee colonies died over the past year, and for the first time since the survey started in 2010, losses in the summer have now eclipsed losses seen... continued
San Diego Lights Update
May 15, 2015The mysterious lights appearing over San Ysidro, California on the night of April 28th have been identified by the photographer who took the shot as the lights of an array of television antennas. Mystery solved. For more information, click here. No... continued