Russia Threatens Denmark with Nukes

March 24, 2015
Russia has threatened Denmark with nuclear consequences if it participates in NATO's missile shield program. The program is designed to shield the NATO alliance area from missiles from any region, not just Russia. It has been made a defense priority... continued

Weekender: HeroRats & Savior Vultures

March 21, 2015
Where would we be without rats and vultures? We might think we’d be a lot better off. But evidence continues to mount that working with Nature’s wildly varied cast of characters is far better for our health than making holes... continued

Viking was Right All Along: There is Life on Mars

March 20, 2015
A lucky accident aboard the Curiosity Rover has confirmed that there is life on Mars. A life-detection experiment conducted by the Viking lander in 1976 generated a pattern of responses that fulfilled criteria for the presence of life on the planet,... continued

Anonymous No More – No Where, No How!

March 19, 2015
Everywhere we go, we leave little traces of ourselves behind. The strand of hair, the wad of gum, the cigarette butt, nail clipping, or puddle of spittle. And all of these negligible bits and pieces that we so casually or... continued

Powerful Solar Storm Surprises Scientists

March 18, 2015
A G4 level solar storm is now striking Planet Earth. As a G4 storm, it is one level below G5, the most intense level of storm. Auroras should be visible as far south as the central United States tonight. There will be... continued

More and Larger Siberian Craters Appearing

March 17, 2015
More craters are being located in remote areas of Siberia, and some of them are massive. Russian scientists have now discovered seven of these craters, and believe that there are many more in the region. More worrying, like the unidentifiable... continued

Many Feared Dead in Vanuatu Catastrophe

March 14, 2015
It is believed that hundreds and possibly thousands of people have been killed when Tropical Cyclone Pam unexpectedly changed course and passed directly over the island nation of Vanuatu, bringing with it sustained winds of 175 mph and gusts well... continued

Weekender: Heart Smart

March 14, 2015
I’ve remembered for years one particular line from Dangerous Liaisons. In a conversation between two conniving characters, played by Glenn Close and John Malkovich, one says to the other regarding the people they’re conspiring to deceive, “They’re intellectuals and, like... continued

Quantum Physics Works in the Macro World

March 13, 2015
Two diamonds the size of stud earrings have been made to share quantum entanglement,meaning that spooky action at a distance works at the classical level. This experiment suggests that the more we become aware that quantum mechanics functions also on... continued

The Red Planet May Once Have Been a Blue-Green Orb Like Earth

March 12, 2015
This is not a morality tale about planetary preservation – and what happens if you don’t take good care of your literal ground of being. But after years of assuming that Mars is and always had been inhospitable to life,... continued