If It’s Not Logical – Can It Still Be Real?

February 19, 2015
What happens when something observed at great distance defies all current expectations and explanations? What happens is an array of strong reactions, including this one from Planetary scientist Todd Clancy of the Space Science Institute – "I don't think it's... continued

It’s a Bigger World Than We Think

February 18, 2015
Biologists now think that that tiny creatures--from worms to insects--are much more important to the health of our planet than they seem to be. In fact, the fate of all life (including us!) may depend on them. In the November... continued

If Only ……

February 17, 2015
You’ve no doubt heard it already. It’s all over the news. Obama’s outgoing senior advisor, John Podesta tweeted on Friday (2/13/15), “Finally, my biggest failure of 2014: Once again not securing the #disclosure of the UFO files. #thetruthisstilloutthere.” If only... continued

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall ….

February 14, 2015
In one of the Greek myths, the exquisitely handsome hunter Narcissus, son of a river god and a water nymph, comes upon his reflection in a pond and falls hopelessly in love. Seeking to merge with this beautiful image of... continued

A Nose for Trouble

February 13, 2015
The threat of being replaced by a robot in ever more areas doesn’t just apply to humans any more. Now highly-trained dogs who can sniff-out the scent of illness or impending seizure in their humans may soon be outmoded by... continued

The Big Bang May Never Have Happened

February 12, 2015
Ahmed Farag Ali at Benha University and coauthor Saurya Das at the University of Lethbridge in Alberta, Canada, have shown in a paper published in Physics Letters B that the Big Bang may not have happened and the universe may... continued

The Healing Power of Light

February 11, 2015
The idea of healing using light energy sounds very "new-age", but the medical profession are beginning to understand that there isan incredible healing power hidden within the light spectrum. The use of light, especially ultraviolet light, to treat medical conditions... continued

NASA & Free Energy

February 10, 2015
The concept of the Universe as concrete objects within empty space is exactly backward, according to Paramahamsa Tewari, creator of the Space Vortex Theory. “A century from now,” he contends, “it will be well known that: the vacuum of space... continued

Weekender: How to Go with the Flow

February 7, 2015
In 1992, Michael Murphy, co-founder of Esalen – the womb of the human potential movement – published The Future of the Body: Explorations into the Further Evolution of Human Nature. In it he shared some of the fruits from his... continued

A Quantum Theory of NDE’s

February 6, 2015
If Consciousness is the Source, force, substance and essence of the Universe – as many mystics believe that it is – then everything that exists would necessarily be a manifest expression of Universal Consciousness. There’s certainly nothing new about this... continued