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Weekender: The Continuing Terror of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
April 12, 2015On March 31, 2014, Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 disappeared. Incredibly, over a year later, it has not yet been found. The plane, a Boeing 777 with 239 passengers and crew aboard, was enroute from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing when it made... continued
Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star — How I Wonder What We Are
April 10, 2015Through ALMA, the world’s most sophisticated and powerful telescope of its kind, astronomers have finally been able to prove beyond doubt what poets and mystics have known intuitively all along: Life is everywhere. With the use of the Atacama Large... continued
Forecasting Flares
April 9, 2015‘Monster’ solar flares that knock out power grids and satellite navigation systems may soon become predictable. Scott McIntosh, director of the National Center for Atmospheric Research and lead author of a study just published in Nature Communications said that his... continued
Hidden Marginalia Emerges on Ancient Pages
April 8, 2015The Black Book of Carmarthen, the oldest surviving medieval manuscript written in Welsh, has proven to be even more interesting than anyone even knew. Two scholars from the University of Cambridge – doctoral student Myriah Williams and Paul Russell, a... continued
Booms Shake the US
April 7, 2015Loud booming noises that do not spread like sonic booms were heard on both US coasts and in Arkansas last week, adding to the proliferation of these events nationwide and worldwide. Just last week, booms disturbed residents in Berkeley, California, Lawrence... continued
Better Safe Than Sorry
April 4, 2015Weekender: When I was a small child in the late 1940s and early ‘50s, shoe stores came equipped with x-ray machines that allowed salespeople and parents to make certain that a shoe fit a child’s foot without crowding growing bones.... continued
What to Do When It’s Hot as Hell!
April 3, 2015It’s heating up in Antarctica and flooding in the driest place on Earth – Chile's Atacama Desert. Carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere are higher now than they’ve been in the last 23 million years. From what can be gleaned... continued
TSA to Require Transparent Clothing
April 2, 2015The Transportation Security Administration announced today that all passengers who have ever been stopped and searched for any reason at TSA checkpoints will be required to wear transparent clothing in the future when moving through checkpoints. Officials refused to say... continued
Scientists Puzzled by Intergalactic Radio Pulses. ET a Possibility
April 2, 201510 fast radio bursts have been detected in the past 15 years that all have the same unusual characteristic of an arrival delay close to a multiple of 187.5. There is no known natural process to explain this. Initially the... continued
Meditation as Social Obligation
April 1, 2015Despite our fascination with meaningful, a-causal co-incidences, we tend to overlook or dismiss linguistic synchronicities – and what we might learn from an anagram or pun. Thus, the fact that ‘prescience’ can be aptly written out as ‘pre-science’ often escapes... continued