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Time Travel is Possible, Say Scientists
March 4, 2015The subject of time travel has intrigued both scientists and science-fiction writers alike for centuries, but now scientists are suggesting that the concept is theoretically sound. Back in September of this year, UK physicist, Professor Brian Cox, declared that time... continued
Of Mice & Men & Gene Research
March 3, 2015More than 5 million years ago, the evolutionary path of humans split from that of other primates. And now – after a mere 25 years of intensive research – scientists in Dresden, Germany have identified the gene responsible for creating... continued
Is the Western Medical Establishment Killing Us with Kindness?
February 27, 2015We’ve all heard for dozens of years of innovative cancer cures confiscated by the government. Often, the innovation had to do with esoteric technologies that could be mistaken for quackery by the uninitiated. But what happens when a miraculous cure... continued
The Parallels Between a Crater and a Triangle
February 26, 2015Huge new craters are spontaneously opening up in the melting permafrost in northern Russia. Though the exact cause is as yet undermined, the sudden appearance of an enormous new crater surrounded by 20 little ones – within six miles of... continued
Self-Preservation: A Recipe for Immortality
February 25, 2015Here is a Japanese version of the recipe: 1st 1000 days: Subsist on a diet of water, seeds and nuts. 2nd 1000 days: Eat only roots, pine bark and a special tea made from the sap of the Chinese lacquer... continued
Weekender: The Damage Done Under the Sun
February 20, 2015To tan or not to tan – that is the question. Given the long-standing prejudice against ‘people of color’ – it’s ironic that people without much color to their skin risk their health to acquire more. And now it turns... continued
If It’s Not Logical – Can It Still Be Real?
February 19, 2015What happens when something observed at great distance defies all current expectations and explanations? What happens is an array of strong reactions, including this one from Planetary scientist Todd Clancy of the Space Science Institute – "I don't think it's... continued
It’s a Bigger World Than We Think
February 18, 2015Biologists now think that that tiny creatures--from worms to insects--are much more important to the health of our planet than they seem to be. In fact, the fate of all life (including us!) may depend on them. In the November... continued
If Only ……
February 17, 2015You’ve no doubt heard it already. It’s all over the news. Obama’s outgoing senior advisor, John Podesta tweeted on Friday (2/13/15), “Finally, my biggest failure of 2014: Once again not securing the #disclosure of the UFO files. #thetruthisstilloutthere.” If only... continued
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall ….
February 14, 2015In one of the Greek myths, the exquisitely handsome hunter Narcissus, son of a river god and a water nymph, comes upon his reflection in a pond and falls hopelessly in love. Seeking to merge with this beautiful image of... continued