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NASA & Free Energy
February 10, 2015The concept of the Universe as concrete objects within empty space is exactly backward, according to Paramahamsa Tewari, creator of the Space Vortex Theory. “A century from now,” he contends, “it will be well known that: the vacuum of space... continued
Weekender: How to Go with the Flow
February 7, 2015In 1992, Michael Murphy, co-founder of Esalen – the womb of the human potential movement – published The Future of the Body: Explorations into the Further Evolution of Human Nature. In it he shared some of the fruits from his... continued
A Quantum Theory of NDE’s
February 6, 2015If Consciousness is the Source, force, substance and essence of the Universe – as many mystics believe that it is – then everything that exists would necessarily be a manifest expression of Universal Consciousness. There’s certainly nothing new about this... continued
“He who will go forward with his whole heart will obtain what he seeks. Only do not be of two minds.”
February 5, 2015These words of wisdom may sound like they were taken straight from the pages of any of a number of New Age authors’ books on the Law of Attraction. However, they actually pre-date those texts by approximately 1500 years, give-or-take... continued
If You Can’t Trust WalMart – Who Can You Trust?
February 4, 2015Not Target, not Walgreen, and not even GNC – according to the New York Attorney General’s office, which just issued a ‘cease and desist’ letter to all four major purveyors of nutritional supplements. According to a story in yesterday’s NY... continued
Super Natural: A New Vision of the Unexplained
February 3, 2015Publisher's Marketplace has just announced what promises to be a major new book from Whitley Strieber writing in collaboration with Jeffry J. Kripal, Chair of Religious Studies at Rice University in Houston. The Marketplace announcement reads: "Author of Communion Whitley... continued
Were Neanderthals Frozen Out?
February 3, 2015It may have been the WEATHER that did them in. Researcher Julien Riel-Salvatore says, "It's been long believed that Neanderthals were outcompeted by fitter modern humans and they could not adapt. We are changing the main narrative. Neanderthals were just... continued
Weekender: A Skeptic’s Close Encounter on His Wedding Day
January 31, 2015What happens when hardcore skeptics have an inexplicable encounter with the paranormal? Their eyes may open, their heart may soften, and their conviction in the rectitude of their own opinions may be forever shaken – providing they’re intellectually honest. The... continued
Divided We Stand – When All ‘Meshed’ Together
January 30, 2015Now that we know that the ‘feeling of being watched’ is not a paranoid delusion, and that we actually are being watched all the time – even through the walls of our homes –isn’t it about time you built your... continued
Have Your Cake & Eat It, Too – With No Regrets or Repercussions!
January 29, 2015Sound too good to be true? Well, actually it is – but virtually it’s not. And soon – Project Nourished plans to serve-up its multi-course fantasy fare at Pop-Up tastings in Los Angeles, California. This delicious idea began brewing over... continued