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Divided We Stand – When All ‘Meshed’ Together
January 30, 2015Now that we know that the ‘feeling of being watched’ is not a paranoid delusion, and that we actually are being watched all the time – even through the walls of our homes –isn’t it about time you built your... continued
Have Your Cake & Eat It, Too – With No Regrets or Repercussions!
January 29, 2015Sound too good to be true? Well, actually it is – but virtually it’s not. And soon – Project Nourished plans to serve-up its multi-course fantasy fare at Pop-Up tastings in Los Angeles, California. This delicious idea began brewing over... continued
Personality Problems: Blame Your Cat
January 28, 2015 In an earlier story, we reported that your cat may be passing on parasites to you, parasites that affect the way your brain works. Now this story has been confirmed by a new story suggesting that a "clever cat parasite... continued
The Age of the Cyborg is Upon Us
January 27, 2015Doesn’t it strike you as odd – as science and technology continue to accelerate the pace at which the future overtakes the present and then quickly disappears into the past – that we still haven’t figured out Who we are,... continued
Weekend: Alien Life Forms Breeding Away in USC Labs
January 24, 2015“Some of the best evidence for life in space lives right here on Earth: It’s weird, adaptable, and far hardier than we ever thought.” —Alissa Zhu Panspermia is the ancient idea that the seeds of life exist everywhere in the... continued
“The opposite of addiction is not sobriety. It is human connection.”
January 23, 2015The title of this news summary is a direct quote from Johann Hari, a man who grew up in a family of addicts. Hari undertook a 3-½ year, 30,000-mile journey to understand the causes of addiction and the failures of... continued
A Home Away from Home?
January 22, 2015Since March of 2009, the Kepler Space Observatory has been exploring our region of the Milky Way so that scientists at NASA can discover more Earth-like planets orbiting stars and estimate how many of the billions of stars in our... continued
Will AI Outmode U ‘n I?
January 21, 2015In 1920 Czech writer Karel Kapek wrote a science-fiction play whose title translated into English as Rossum’s Universal Robots or R.U.R. When it premiered in 1921, it introduced the word ‘Robot’ to the English language and to the science fiction... continued
Is Running a Marathon Good for Your Health? Scientists Plan to Find Out!
January 19, 2015Last Friday, January 16th, a dozen runners set off on a 3,080-mile marathon that will take them approximately 4.5 months to complete. No one will be surprised to learn that the starting point for this extreme endeavor is California. The... continued
Subscriber Area Returned to Service
January 19, 2015The Unknowncountry subscriber area has been returned to service, but login from the mobile site is not working. To login from the mobile site, go to the main site by pulling down the menu on the upper right, clicking on 'Go... continued