Weekender: Mars Life is Probable Say Scientists

December 13, 2014
In 1976, the Viking program's orbiter and lander reached Mars, and the lander's life experiments returned data that the scientists who had designed them had expected to see if living organisms were present in the soil. However, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory,... continued

Warmer Oceans Could Release Millions of Tons of Undersea Methane

December 11, 2014
Off the West Coast of the United States, methane gas is trapped in frozen layers below the seafloor. New research from the University of Washington shows that water at intermediate depths is warming enough to cause these carbon deposits to... continued

Massive Asteroid on Course for Earth

December 11, 2014
Earth seems to have had a number of lucky escapes recent years; several asteroids have passed uncomfortably close to our home planet, and one exploded without warning in 2013 over Chelyabinsk in Russia, causing injuries to residents and extensive damage... continued

The History Of The “Red Planet” May Help Us To Understand Climate Change on Earth

December 10, 2014
The question of whether life ever existed on Mars has inspired scientists - and songwriters - for decades. The Red Planet is currently an arid, icy desert where no sign of life remains, but was it always this way? It... continued

It’s Too Late To “Save The Planet” Says Scientist; We Need To Save Ourselves

December 8, 2014
Back in 1965, maverick scientist James Lovelock, warned an oil company that the year 2000 would not be dominated by fusion-powered cars or advanced technology, but by the changing climate. "It will be worsening then to such an extent that... continued

Weekender: ASpIRE – New Voice Recognition Software Creates Limitless Potential To Spy On Any Conversation

December 5, 2014
You have something personal to discuss with a friend. You arrange to meet for a coffee and a chat in a public restaurant. It's noisy, and you have a good heart to heart in the belief that nobody else can... continued

Is There A Russian Satellite Saboteur In Space?

December 5, 2014
Circling high above us in space, a mysterious object is being tracked by the US military. The strange object, which has been entitled Object 2014-28E, was secretly launched in May by the Russian military, but nobody knows its purpose and... continued

Forget The Threat From Artificial Intelligence – Could Super-Intelligent Animals Be The Biggest Threat To Mankind?

December 4, 2014
Last month, Unknown Country reported the views of technology heavyweights such as Elon Musk that artificial intelligence could be the most significant threat to the future of mankind. Now Stephen Hawking has added his voice to their ever-increasing concerns regarding... continued

Researchers Suggest That Climate Change Destroyed Ancient Empires

December 2, 2014
Yesterday, Unknown Country reported the amazing news that the technology had been developed to turn water into fuel, but we asked the question, is water fast becoming a scarcer commodity than fossil fuels? Adam Schneider of the University of California,... continued

Water Into Fuel? We Have The Technology!

December 2, 2014
It has been the dream of environmentalists for years, to discover the alchemic ability to turn water into liquid gold: gasoline. Now a company based in Dresden in Germany claims to have developed the technology to do just that. Sunfire... continued