Weekender: Halloween – A Time for Frivolous Fun or for Menacing Manifestations?

October 31, 2014
As the economic opportunities of this annual tradition are exploited more with every passing year, Halloween has become a time of feasting, fun-filled frights, and fancy-dressed festivities. According to the Indo-European Etymological Dictionaries, the origins of All Hallows' Eve are commonly... continued

Halloween Week on Unknown Country: Why We Should Still Be Creatures of the Night

October 31, 2014
Halloween, the time when we lure strangely-clad strangers to our homes by lighting lanterns in our windows, and offering them food and welcome at our doors. This tradition is firmly associated with the celebration of ghosties and ghoulies and long-legged... continued

Unknown Country Halloween Week: Myths and Monsters – Is There Any Truth Behind The Legends?

October 30, 2014
We all love a good monster movie, don't we, even if it's viewed with just one eye open from behind the safety of our sofas? Year after year, Hollywood favourites such as Count Dracula and the Wolfman, and other classic... continued

Halloween Week On Unknown Country: Good News For Vampires? Bespoke Blood May Soon Be Possible

October 29, 2014
We are all programmed to have strong reactions to the vivid color of the life-giving fluid that runs through our veins. For some, it is a morbid fascination that causes them to watch horror movies, but for others it evokes... continued

Halloween Week On Unknown Country: Let’s Take A Walk On Our Shadowside…

October 28, 2014
We are counting down the week to Halloween here at Unknown Country! Whatever your personal beliefs about this archaic and arcane tradition, this is a good time to examine the shadow-sides of our personality and the importance of recognising the... continued

Weekender: The Science of Awe

October 24, 2014
Our inner emotions are very powerful, and it is becoming more widely accepted by science that they can have profound and measurable physiological effects. Stress is known to have negative effects on the body, but what about more positive emotions,... continued

Drinking Soda Can Cause Premature Aging

October 24, 2014
It is well-documented that, due to their high sugar content, regular consumption of soft drinks has been linked to the development of various health problems including diabetes, heart disease and obesity. A new study has suggested that their negative physiological... continued

Sun Unleashes X-Class Flare, And More Could Be On The Way

October 24, 2014
The sun's solar flare activity appears to be hotting up: a massive X-Class solar flare erupted early on Sunday (Oct. 19) from a huge sunspot, and astronomers fear that this could just be the beginning of a spate of sizeable... continued

What Poses The Greatest Threat To Humanity In The 21st Century?

October 22, 2014
A poll led by the Pew Global Attitudes Project has canvassed more than 48,000 people from all different cultures, religions and nationalities to discover what they believe to be the greatest current threats facing humanity in the 21st century. People... continued

San Francisco: Next Big Quake Could Be Imminent

October 22, 2014
As San Francisco commemorates the 25th anniversary of its last serious quake this week, a new report has warned that the city could once again be sitting on top of a ticking seismic time bomb. Scientists tracking the movements of... continued