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Weekender: Artificial Intelligence – Are We Summoning A Demon That We Can’t Control?
November 8, 2014A recent Unknown Country news article outlined the results of a poll in which representatives from the global population were canvassed for their opinions. The poll asked participants which from a list of dangers they considered to be the most... continued
Scientists Develop Interactive Cinema That Allows Viewers To Watch Their Dreams
November 7, 2014The art of lucid dreaming is one that many of us would like to perfect, allowing us to remain conscious while dreaming and to take active control of their content. This ability enables the dreamer to visualise a limitless number... continued
Parallel Universes Do Exist, Say Scientists
November 6, 2014Do you ever wonder what would have happened if you had made a different choice, said a different thing, or turned a different corner? Would these decisions have affected your life, or even the world around you? Do a myriad... continued
Dirty Politics? Scientists Say Political Affiliation Is In Our Subconscious, Or Even Our Genes
November 5, 2014Maggot infestations, rotting carcasses, unidentifiable gunk in the kitchen sink – how much your brain responds to disgusting images could predict whether you are liberal or conservative. In a study to be published in an upcoming issue of Current Biology,... continued
Scientists Say Amazon Rainforest Is Drying Out With Catastrophic Results
November 3, 2014A few weeks ago, Unknown Country reported that NASA were investing millions of dollars into a new laser-based instrument, located on the International Space Station, which is intended to provide a unique 3-D view of Earth’s forests. The focus of... continued
Unknown Country Halloween Week: The Secret of Superstition
October 31, 2014Do black cats, bats and witches have you on the run not just at Halloween but year-round? Do you always avoid walking under ladders and stepping on sidewalk cracks? These behaviors can all be linked to a strong belief that... continued
Halloween Special: Morbid Curiosity Explained – What Draws Us To The Macabre?
October 31, 2014What draws us to the darker side? What compels us to look whenever we pass a grisly accident on the highway and drives us to watch horror movies and television coverage of disasters? Eric G. Wilson, a literature professor and a... continued
Weekender: Halloween – A Time for Frivolous Fun or for Menacing Manifestations?
October 31, 2014As the economic opportunities of this annual tradition are exploited more with every passing year, Halloween has become a time of feasting, fun-filled frights, and fancy-dressed festivities. According to the Indo-European Etymological Dictionaries, the origins of All Hallows' Eve are commonly... continued
Halloween Week on Unknown Country: Why We Should Still Be Creatures of the Night
October 31, 2014Halloween, the time when we lure strangely-clad strangers to our homes by lighting lanterns in our windows, and offering them food and welcome at our doors. This tradition is firmly associated with the celebration of ghosties and ghoulies and long-legged... continued
Unknown Country Halloween Week: Myths and Monsters – Is There Any Truth Behind The Legends?
October 30, 2014We all love a good monster movie, don't we, even if it's viewed with just one eye open from behind the safety of our sofas? Year after year, Hollywood favourites such as Count Dracula and the Wolfman, and other classic... continued