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Ebola Virus: New Study Suggests It Is Out Of Control
September 17, 2014The Ebola virus appears to be rampaging unchecked across the globe, and there are predictions that the current, already significant, death toll of around 2,400 deaths could escalate into hundreds of thousands by the end of this year. A study... continued
An Unlikely New Cancer Cure…From Cat Poop!
September 15, 2014Scientists have discovered that a parasite normally found in cat faeces could help them to formulate a cancer-fighting vaccine. Though Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii), a single-celled parasite, is happiest when hanging out in a cat’s intestines, it can live in... continued
Weekender: Unexplained Cosmic Pulses from Deep Space Intrigue Scientists
September 13, 2014Hopes of finding intelligent life in the universe have been raised by more unidentified signals from outer space detected by astronomers in Puerto Rico, validating reports of similar signals identified by researchers in Australia. The discovery of a split-second burst... continued
9-11 and PTSD: When The Trauma Never Fades
September 12, 2014Today the world is remembering the terrible events of thirteen years ago, when one of the world's worst terrorist attacks destroyed the World Trade Center in New York. But for some people, the memories don't just surface every year; they... continued
Caesium-137 ‘disappears’ in Kazakhstan
September 10, 2014Amidst fears that militant groups are looking to seize radioactive materials to use in a terror attack, reports now suggest that a containment of the highly radioactive and dangerous substance caesium-137 has disappeared in Kazakhstan. Local police in the Mangistau... continued
Can Sun Exposure Help Schizophrenics?
September 10, 2014Recent research has revealed that Vitamin D-deficient individuals are twice as likely to be diagnosed with schizophrenia as people who have sufficient levels of the vitamin, according to a new study published in the Endocrine Society’s Journal of Clinical Endocrinology... continued
U.S. Fears That Terror Groups Could Seize Radioactive Materials
September 8, 2014The U.S. and Iraqi authorities have serious concerns that terrorists may be gaining access to nuclear and radioactive materials to use in some form of major terror attack. A State Department official has revealed that the hard-line terror group, The... continued
Weekender: Quantum Biology? Scientists Discover Amazing Quantum Processes At Work In Nature
September 6, 2014The "interconnectedness of all things" is a notion embraced by the spiritual community and, more recently, by science in the field of quantum mechanics. This area of research is still regarded as largely theoretical by the scientific community, however, unlike... continued
Does The World Need To Prepare For Another “9-11?”
September 4, 2014Some sources in the world's media are reporting the chilling news that jihadists have stolen several commercial airliners. With the anniversary of one of the world's worst terrorist attacks looming on September 11th, itself involving the use of stolen airplanes,... continued
The Eyes Have It – How to Tell the Difference Between Love and Lust
September 4, 2014Soul singer Betty Everett once proclaimed, “If you want to know if he loves you so, it’s in his kiss.” But a new study by University of Chicago researchers suggests the difference between love and lust might be in the... continued