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Climate Change Could Cause “Dust Bowl” Style Exodus, But What Is Really Causing Climate Change?
August 1, 2014The "Dust Bowl" era was a devastating period of exceptional droughts and dust storms that had a profound effect on the ecology and agriculture of the U.S. and Canadian prairies in the 1930s. Some regions of the High Plains experienced... continued
Store Cupboard Ingredient Could Help To Fight Parkinson’s Disease
July 30, 2014One of our store cupboard staple ingredients could be an unlikely weapon in the fight against Parkinson's disease. Scientists have found that cinnamon, a spice commonly used all over the world, contains a chemical with brain-protecting benefits. A recent study... continued
Earth Narrowly Missed Impact From Deadly Solar Storm in 2012
July 29, 2014The world's media has been awash recently with news of a cosmic near-miss a couple of years ago that could have spelled disaster for planet Earth. Physicists have released details of a solar storm that occurred on July 23rd, 2012,... continued
Freak Storms Wreak Havoc On Both Sides Of The Pond
July 29, 2014After a freak storm killed one person and hospitalized nine more on Venice Beach Sunday afternoon, a similar bizarre weather event brought the English South Coast to a standstill today. Feet of water fell in less than an hour in... continued
Mysterious Holes Appearing At “The End Of The World”
July 29, 2014There is a place in Siberia known as Yamal, which literally translates as "the end of the world." It is an area that is notorious for earth-shattering events, as this was the region where the most dangerous meteor in recent... continued
Weekender: Timeline Jumping – A Glimpse Into the Complex World of Selective Existence
July 26, 2014It is becoming more and more apparent to mankind that time is not the linear concept that our perceptions would indicate, but instead a vast field that encompasses all possible realities. Recent mathematical proof has even begun to confirm that... continued
Reading Creates Physical Changes In The Brain
July 25, 2014It's summer in the Northern Hemisphere, for many a time to seek rest, relaxation and a good book. The good news is that finding the time to sit and read could actually result in positive physical changes to our brains.... continued
Think Plagues Are Past History? Think Again… Now We Are Creating Our Own
July 24, 2014West Africa is currently being assailed by the worst outbreak of Ebola virus ever recorded. As of 17th July, World Health Organisation (WHO) reports indicated that out of more than 1048 confirmed and suspected cases of Ebola in Guinea, Liberia... continued
Will Our Children’s Future Friends Be Robots?
July 23, 2014With the help of a smart tablet and Angry Birds, children can now do something typically reserved for engineers and computer scientists: program a robot to learn new skills. The Georgia Institute of Technology project is designed to serve as... continued
Are The Earth’s Magnetic Poles About To Flip?
July 22, 2014Scientists have detected that the earth's magnetic field has been significantly weakening over the past six months. Data collated by the European Space Agency (ESA) Swarm satellite array indicates that the field has developed several weak areas over the Western... continued