Will Our Children’s Future Friends Be Robots?

July 23, 2014
With the help of a smart tablet and Angry Birds, children can now do something typically reserved for engineers and computer scientists: program a robot to learn new skills. The Georgia Institute of Technology project is designed to serve as... continued

Are The Earth’s Magnetic Poles About To Flip?

July 22, 2014
Scientists have detected that the earth's magnetic field has been significantly weakening over the past six months. Data collated by the European Space Agency (ESA) Swarm satellite array indicates that the field has developed several weak areas over the Western... continued

Weekender: Organic Food – Hyped or Health-Giving?

July 19, 2014
A new scientific review has made claims that organic foods are higher in nutrients and lower in pesticides compared with those grown in the now conventional method of intensive farming. The review encompassed 343 previous peer-reviewed studies, assessing crop composition... continued

Malaysian Airlines Loses Another Plane In Suspicious Circumstances

July 18, 2014
Breaking news indicates that yet another Malaysian Airlines plane has been lost. Malaysia Airlines confirmed in a Tweet that it "has lost contact of MH17 from Amsterdam. The last known position was over Ukrainian airspace. More details to follow." Later... continued

You Can Choose Your Friends But They Could Be Your Family

July 17, 2014
You can choose your friends but not your family, so the old saying goes. But do we really choose them, or are we genetically pre-disposed to connect with the people in our friendship groups? People who like to consider their... continued

British Company Produces “Alien” Black Material

July 15, 2014
The unseen is always mysterious, but a British company has now developed the "un-seeable", a black material that is so dense it is totally incomprehensible to the human eye. The new record-breaking "alien" fabric is 10,000 times thinner than a... continued

Sleep Keeps Our Brains Young

July 15, 2014
A new study using brain imaging has discovered that burning the candle at both ends could send us into premature aging. Brain shrinkage is a normal part of the aging process but the study, which was led by Dr. June... continued

Weekender: Organ donations – A Slice of Someone Else’s Life?

July 12, 2014
In a world where our ability to play "make do and mend" with the human body seems to increase on a daily basis, Unknown Country looks at the subject of organ donation and its potential physical, mental and even spiritual... continued

Construction Work Halted By…Elves!

July 11, 2014
Plans to build a new road in Iceland were halted recently when campaigners warned that it would disturb elves living in its path. Construction work had to be stopped until a solution could be found. " It's not every day... continued

Gravity Could Help To Predict Floods Months in Advance, Say Scientists

July 10, 2014
A recent study could help scientists predict impending floods months before they occur. The study states that a pair of NASA satellites, known collectively as GRACE, have detected variations in gravitational pull from saturated river basins that appear to be... continued