Risk from Major Asteroid Strike Higher Than Previously Thought

April 29, 2014
The risk of a sizeable asteroid colliding with the earth has always been purported to be extremely low, with scientists reporting that such an event was only likely to occur every twenty million years or so. Unfortunately, our collective sigh... continued

Weekender: Could the Chilling Fate of Flight MH370 Soon Be Revealed?

April 26, 2014
The search for the missing plane, Malaysia flight MH370, goes on, with not a single shred of evidence being uncovered to date. The aircraft went missing on March 8, as it travelled from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. Any morsel of... continued

Earthquakes Rock America – Could Fracking Bring The “Big One” Closer?

April 25, 2014
It's been a shaky 2014 so far across America, with a series of fairly major earthquakes rocking several regions of the continent from North to South. As Californians were gently shaken from their slumber this morning by a 2.7 magnitude... continued

The Secret World of Dreams

April 23, 2014
The mysterious realm of the dream world has intrigued the human mind for millennia, but what is the secret behind these enigmatic and sometimes very powerful experiences of the psyche? Science views dreams merely as the result of activity in... continued

“Fingerprint Twins” Could Undermine Forensics

April 22, 2014
Criminals convicted primarily on the basis of fingerprint evidence could soon have grounds for appeal based on the comments of a leading forensic scientist.Fingerprint evidence has been employed to establish criminal involvement since forensic science was first used by the... continued

EASTER SPECIAL: Is Mass Extinction the Opportunity for Global Rebirth?

April 17, 2014
Easter is historically a festival celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ after His crucifixion, when, on the third day after His death, He was alleged to have risen again and lived on. Some say that the festival itself predates Christianity... continued

More New Planets Discovered – NASA Could Reveal New Twin Earth

April 16, 2014
Information regarding a new "Twin Earth" could be revealed at a press conference hosted by NASA at 11 a.m. PDT (2 p.m. EDT) Thursday, April 17. The Kepler Space Telescope has made another important new discovery, details of which will... continued

“Robot Sex” Helps Scientists To Study Evolution

April 15, 2014
The study of evolutionary patterns has received a helping hand from technology, in the form of a small colony of rampant robots. Using robotic subjects, it was possible to accelerate the trends that drive evolution allowing thousands of years of... continued

New Report States Greenhouse Gases Now At Unprecedented Levels

April 14, 2014
A new report released last week by the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has further highlighted the fact that emissions of greenhouse gases worldwide have risen to unprecedented levels, despite an increasing number of global measures to reduce... continued

Weekender:Science Proves Our Subconscious Beliefs Affect Our Health and Life Outcomes

April 12, 2014
Over the past few decades, the world has been overwhelmed by a so-called "new-age" movement that has focused on greater personal and spiritual awareness, mindfulness and the power of positive thinking. Related books, CDs, DVDs and seminars on the subject... continued