Scientists Slow Brain Tumor Progression

May 13, 2014
 Brain and other nervous system cancers are expected to claim 14,320 lives in the United States this year, but a recent study has brought hope to this field of oncology. Much like using dimmer switches to brighten or darken rooms,... continued

Is Climate Change Threatening National Security?

May 13, 2014
In the wake of the National Climate Assessment released last week in the United States, global warming is, to pardon the pun, one of the hottest topics in the news at the moment, and with extremely good reason. This phenomenon... continued

Weekender: Mysteries of the Pyramids Revealed?

May 10, 2014
The pyramids of Egypt are some of the most fascinating and enigmatic structures on the planet; to date the secret of their unique construction has yet to be determined. The pyramids were built using massive blocks of stone, and one... continued

Wondering What the Effects of Climate Change Will Be? They’re Already Here, Say Scientists

May 9, 2014
An important new report released this week has revealed that the United States is being severely affected by human-induced climate change across the whole of the nation. The report, entitled the National Climate Assessment, was compiled by a large panel... continued

Study Reveals Stonehenge Sited Next To U.K’s Oldest Settlement

May 7, 2014
Wiltshire is historically known as one of the most weird and wonderful counties in the United Kingdom, being home to the Wiltshire "White Horses" carved into the rolling downs, the enigmatic Avebury stone circle, numerous longbarrows and burial mounds, the... continued

Deep Impact: From Fantasy to Fact?

May 6, 2014
Unknown Country has been keeping a keen eye on the skies just recently, and with good cause: following the revelation last week that the Earth had narrowly escaped serious damage from 26 very sizeable asteroids over the past few years,... continued

Whales Affected By Sonar More Profoundly Than Previously Thought

May 6, 2014
A recent study suggests that killer whales and other marine mammals are far more likely to pick up sonar signals than was previously thought. Scientists have discovered that commercially available sonar systems, which are designed to create signals beyond the... continued

Weekender: Is Forgiveness Good for the Body and the Soul?

May 3, 2014
A particularly reflective air seems to pervade today, on this, the third anniversary of Osama Bin Laden's death. Whatever your personal views are on who perpetrated the worst terrorist atrocity ever committed; whether you subscribe to the theory that al... continued

Brain Waves: Are Our Brains Merely Sophisticated Biological Computers?

May 2, 2014
The most common perception regarding the purpose of our brain is the major processor for all of our thought, that this is where an individual's "mind" resides, along with their essence of self and identity. Certainly, brain damage can affect... continued

Deadly Virus Spreads Throughout Middle East

April 30, 2014
It seems that the world is being assaulted by an almost biblical torrent of floods, plagues and pestilence.Our crops are being annihilated by pests and diseases, severe weather is affecting all corners of the globe, and now mysterious viruses are... continued