Global Warming: Could it be causing sub-zero temperatures and flooding across the planet?

January 8, 2014
The term "global warming" suggests that we can expect temperatures across the planet to become increasingly hotter with every passing year. Australia's blazing hot weather certainly broke all records during 2013, with summer and winter temperatures that were 1.2C above... continued

Scientists Claim Threat Of Supervolcano Eruption Greater Than Previously Thought

January 7, 2014
A recent study, published in the journal Nature Geoscience, indicated that the risk of a "Supervolcano" eruption could be between 10 to 100 times more likely than previously thought. Scientists originally assumed that seismic activity was necessary to crack open... continued

More Severe Storms Worldwide

January 5, 2014
The eastern half of the United States and parts of Canada have been assaulted by a severe snow storm which has left 16 people dead. The snow storm, named as "Hercules", left some areas buried under two feet of snow... continued

Is the Western U.S becoming a UFO “hotspot?”

January 4, 2014
The Californian skies held more than fireworks on New Year's Eve, as multiple UFO sightings were reported across the state. From Placer County across to the Hollywood Hills, eye-witnesses have come forward with accounts of glowing lights and mysterious objects... continued

Unexplained Bird deaths Continue Across the U.S.A.

January 3, 2014
Unknown Country has previously reported unexplained mass extinction-style events occurring in fish and other marine life (see Rivers of Death and Silent Seas), but the phenomenon also appears to be spreading to our bird life. Unconfirmed reports suggest that, for... continued

Science explains why New Year’s Resolutions are so hard to keep

January 1, 2014
It's that time of year again, as we watch an old year slip into a memory and prepare to greet a brand new year, pulsing with possibilities, each new day waiting like a blank page to be filled with the... continued

3D Printers: Will We Soon be Able to Print Out Replacement Body Parts?

December 31, 2013
3D printers are now being utilised for a variety of different mediums; in fact, there seems to be no limit to their potential. In Britain, they are being used to create the ultimate chocolate gift by a company called ChocEdge.... continued

Weekender: Defining mental illness: Is Modern Society Less Tolerant of the “Non-Conformist”?

December 28, 2013
What defines "normal" behavior in our modern society? How do we perceive those whose actions push the boundaries of accepted stereotypes? Are they regarded merely as eccentric, unusual, original, or a little quirky? Or are those who "dance to a... continued

Ladies! The Answer to your Christmas Dieting Troubles is here…

December 25, 2013
If you are a lady and you are worried about how you will resist the abundance of festive food this Christmas, then Microsoft may have the answer for you. Girls, forget the "Smartphone", now you can put the "Smartbra" on... continued

Christmas Special: Is a Virgin Birth Scientifically Possible?

December 25, 2013
As around 45% of the world prepares to celebrate Christmas and the birth of Jesus Christ, there are those who will question the truth behind the world's most famous legend. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was allegedly born to... continued