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Weekender: Is Our Limited Understanding Preventing Us From Recognizing Alien Life Forms?
February 8, 2014The search for extraterrestrial life has been an ongoing quest for decades, but finding alien life relies on our ability to recognize it. Is there any guarantee that other life forms would manifest in a form that we would immediately... continued
Fracking Threatens to Drain Water Reserves and Exacerbate Droughts
February 7, 2014Yet more adverse side effects of fracking have been identified, as new research indicates that it could threaten water supplies in drought-prone areas. Fracking is a controversial method of extracting gas reserves from underground seams, using high pressure water jets... continued
Massive Glacier in Rapid Meltdown Could Raise Seas to Unprecedented Levels
February 6, 2014A recent study has indicated that the Jakobshavn Glacier in Greenland is experiencing a rapid melt that threatens to raise sea levels by up to one centimeter. The glacier, which is thought to have yielded the iceberg that ended the... continued
Olive Oil Could Help To Prevent Breast Cancer
February 5, 2014The benefits of eating olive oil have been lauded by health professionals for years, but a recent study could provide a new incentive for us to add it into our diet. A study at the Houston Methodist hospital in Texas... continued
Surveillance Technologies May Soon Make Anonymity Impossible
February 4, 2014It is no secret that, in civilised society, "Big Brother" is very likely to be watching us whenever we venture into public places and, thanks to facial recognition software utilised by retail outlets, "Big Brother" is not only watching, but... continued
Weekender: Can Science Locate “Adam”, the Earth’s First Man?
February 1, 2014According to the Bible, the first human man ever to walk the Earth was Adam, created by God and partnered by his female counterpart Eve. Norse mythology shares a similar concept of a deity-created man and woman, though in Norse... continued
Scientists Can Now Make Stem Cells “To Order”
January 31, 2014Research into regenerative medicine is an area where significant progress continues to be made, and the latest breakthrough has been heralded as a "major scientific discovery." Two recent studies published on Wednesday in the journal Nature outline a ground-breaking new... continued
Scientists Reveal That The Plague Could Return
January 30, 2014An international team of scientists has discovered that two of the world’s most devastating plagues – the plague of Justinian and the Black Death, each responsible for killing as many as half the people in Europe—were caused by distinct strains... continued
Spy Agencies Exploit Smartphone Apps in Trawl for Personal Information
January 29, 2014It seems that the National Security Agency (NSA) and the UK's Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ)have become extremely inventive in their unending search for personal information. Top secret documents have revealed that Smartphone apps transmitting user details across the internet are... continued
Will Future Wars be Fought by 3D Printed Robots?
January 28, 2014These days, it appears that there are few things that Man can do, that a machine could not do as well, or even better. This apparently includes engaging in warfare. Certainly, defense is an area where no expense is spared... continued