Science explains why New Year’s Resolutions are so hard to keep

January 1, 2014
It's that time of year again, as we watch an old year slip into a memory and prepare to greet a brand new year, pulsing with possibilities, each new day waiting like a blank page to be filled with the... continued

3D Printers: Will We Soon be Able to Print Out Replacement Body Parts?

December 31, 2013
3D printers are now being utilised for a variety of different mediums; in fact, there seems to be no limit to their potential. In Britain, they are being used to create the ultimate chocolate gift by a company called ChocEdge.... continued

Weekender: Defining mental illness: Is Modern Society Less Tolerant of the “Non-Conformist”?

December 28, 2013
What defines "normal" behavior in our modern society? How do we perceive those whose actions push the boundaries of accepted stereotypes? Are they regarded merely as eccentric, unusual, original, or a little quirky? Or are those who "dance to a... continued

Ladies! The Answer to your Christmas Dieting Troubles is here…

December 25, 2013
If you are a lady and you are worried about how you will resist the abundance of festive food this Christmas, then Microsoft may have the answer for you. Girls, forget the "Smartphone", now you can put the "Smartbra" on... continued

Christmas Special: Is a Virgin Birth Scientifically Possible?

December 25, 2013
As around 45% of the world prepares to celebrate Christmas and the birth of Jesus Christ, there are those who will question the truth behind the world's most famous legend. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was allegedly born to... continued

Another Severe Storm Hits Britain

December 24, 2013
Another severe storm lashed the U.K. on Monday, leaving two people dead and a trail of destruction in the wake of its fury. Many rail, air and ferry services were disrupted, and it was chaos on the nation's roads, with... continued

Singing Songs Can Give You a Merry High

December 24, 2013
For those of us who are not members of a choral group or band, Christmas is the time of year when we are most likely to exercise our vocal chords and do some carol-singing, but research studies confirm that we... continued

Weekender: Incontrovertible Evidence of Saudi 9-11 involvement?

December 21, 2013
On 9th September, 2001, the world's worst terrorist attack occurred, killing almost 3000 people. The official explanation for the terrible terrorist attacks that occurred on 11th September 2001, that the attacks were perpetrated by the terrorist group, al Qaeda, has... continued

Evidence that Climate Change Caused Mass Extinction on Earth

December 20, 2013
The effects of climate change have caused mass-extinction type events previously in Earth's history, say scientists. Members of a U.N.-sponsored research team with members from Appalachian State University’s Department of Geology have found evidence for catastrophic oceanographic events associated with... continued

Time Travel is Possible, Say Scientists

December 19, 2013
The subject of time travel has intrigued both scientists and science-fiction writers alike for centuries, but now scientists are suggesting that the concept is theoretically sound. Back in September of this year, UK physicist, Professor Brian Cox, declared that time... continued