Art Bell Returns to the Air

July 31, 2013
Legendary radio host Art Bell is returning to the air on September 16 on Sirius XM Satellite Radio with a late-night program called 'Art Bell's Dark Matter.' Art ended his regular hosting of Coast to Coast AM in 2002, and has... continued

JFK, Flight 800 Coverups Real

July 30, 2013
New information suggests that powerful individuals were involved in a coverup of the JFK assassination that led to the Warren Report's conclusion that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in killing the president. In addition, former NTSB investigators have come forward to demand... continued

Mankind Needs to Understand Gravity: Here’s Another Hint

July 30, 2013
If the human race remains trapped on Planet Earth, one way or another, we will eventually go extinct. The only way to prevent this is to express ourselves out into the surrounding galaxy and beyond in a significant way. But... continued

Solving the Dark Matter Mystery Might also Solve the Mystery of Gravity

July 27, 2013
Only 4% of the universe is made of known material. Stars and gas in galaxies move so fast that astronomers have speculated that the gravity from a hypothetical invisible halo of dark matter is needed to keep galaxies together. However,... continued

Extremely Strange New Viruses Discovered

July 26, 2013
A pair of startlingly unique viruses twice the size of the largest known viruses have been discovered by a group of French scientists. They have a shape similar to a container, and a completely novel set of genes inside, which... continued

Meteor Count May be on the Rise

July 26, 2013
The number of large meteors impacting Earth may be on the rise, but nobody's sure. In 2005, the American Meteor Society instituted a reporting system on their website that enabled members of the public to report bright meteors, otherwise classified... continued

Processed Foods Eaten in US Banned in Most Countries

July 24, 2013
The United States is one of the few  countries in the developed world where you can get sick from food you buy from your local grocery store. Many "fast foods," such as breakfast cereal, frozen entrees and sodas that are... continued

Scientist Calls UFOs “Craft of a Supremely Advanced Technology”

July 24, 2013
Most scientists assume that aliens can't be here because interstellar travel is impossible. But Dr. Eric Davis of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Austin is saying that new discoveries mean that 'warp drives' may not as difficult to create... continued

Another Newly Discovered Asteriod Passesd Us July 22

July 23, 2013
Near-Earth asteroid 2013 NE19, which is about the size of a football field, passed within 2.6 million miles of Earth on July 22. There was no danger that it would strike Earth, but there is a concern because it was... continued

Grandparents Determine Social Class of Grandkids

July 22, 2013
Social class was something that few Americans cared about, but "Downton Abby" has changed all that. Many of our ancestors emigrated to the US in order to AVOID social snubbing, but those who remained had to find their slot in... continued