NASA: Sun’s Magnetic Field About to Flip

August 7, 2013
The sun's magnetic field flips every 11 years, and it's about to do it again. As reported on it last flipped on February 15, 2001, as the previous solar max reached its height. The complete field reversal is 3... continued

Popular Anonymous Net Hacked by NSA

August 7, 2013
An analysis done by Baneki Privacy Labs, a group of internet security researchers Cryptocloud has uncovered a JavaScript exploit that targets Firefox Long-Term Support version 17 which was included in the Tor Project browser bundle until June. But the Tor... continued

Archaeologist Claims Indonesian Pyramids are 20,000 Years Old

August 3, 2013
The largest megalithic site in Southeast Asia is Gunung Padang (Mountain Meadow in Indonesian), located in West Java. The site has been known by Europeans since the early 20th century, when it was mentioned in a Dutch report on Indonesian... continued

We Nearly Got Zapped by the Sun

August 1, 2013
Two weeks ago the sun emitted an electromagnetic pulse that would have caused a catastrophe on Earth had it struck us. But it passed through Earth's orbit two weeks before we arrived at the point of intersection. Had it hit... continued

Administration Releases NSA Documents in Effort to Counter Rising Congressional Concern

August 1, 2013
Even as it continues to vigorously pursue the return of Edward Snowden to the United States to face trial and a long prison sentence, the Obama Administration is finding itself in a titanic battle to preserve funding for the National... continued

New Source of Stem Cells could Revolutionize Medicine

August 1, 2013
The use of stem cells is one of the most important breakthroughs in medical history. They can be used to recreate many body parts and are even being found to be a tool against cancer. But harvesting them has been notoriously... continued

Who Governs Human Violence? Could be the Sun

July 31, 2013
In recent decades, researchers have found significant evidence of correlations between a variety of human events conditions and solar activity. Such ancient events as the collapse of Rome, the Hundred Years war and the 20th Century wars seem to be... continued

Art Bell Returns to the Air

July 31, 2013
Legendary radio host Art Bell is returning to the air on September 16 on Sirius XM Satellite Radio with a late-night program called 'Art Bell's Dark Matter.' Art ended his regular hosting of Coast to Coast AM in 2002, and has... continued

JFK, Flight 800 Coverups Real

July 30, 2013
New information suggests that powerful individuals were involved in a coverup of the JFK assassination that led to the Warren Report's conclusion that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in killing the president. In addition, former NTSB investigators have come forward to demand... continued

Mankind Needs to Understand Gravity: Here’s Another Hint

July 30, 2013
If the human race remains trapped on Planet Earth, one way or another, we will eventually go extinct. The only way to prevent this is to express ourselves out into the surrounding galaxy and beyond in a significant way. But... continued