Meteor Count May be on the Rise

July 26, 2013
The number of large meteors impacting Earth may be on the rise, but nobody's sure. In 2005, the American Meteor Society instituted a reporting system on their website that enabled members of the public to report bright meteors, otherwise classified... continued

Processed Foods Eaten in US Banned in Most Countries

July 24, 2013
The United States is one of the few  countries in the developed world where you can get sick from food you buy from your local grocery store. Many "fast foods," such as breakfast cereal, frozen entrees and sodas that are... continued

Scientist Calls UFOs “Craft of a Supremely Advanced Technology”

July 24, 2013
Most scientists assume that aliens can't be here because interstellar travel is impossible. But Dr. Eric Davis of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Austin is saying that new discoveries mean that 'warp drives' may not as difficult to create... continued

Another Newly Discovered Asteriod Passesd Us July 22

July 23, 2013
Near-Earth asteroid 2013 NE19, which is about the size of a football field, passed within 2.6 million miles of Earth on July 22. There was no danger that it would strike Earth, but there is a concern because it was... continued

Grandparents Determine Social Class of Grandkids

July 22, 2013
Social class was something that few Americans cared about, but "Downton Abby" has changed all that. Many of our ancestors emigrated to the US in order to AVOID social snubbing, but those who remained had to find their slot in... continued

Fukushima–Steam, Contaminated Water Cause new Peril

July 22, 2013
On July 17 and 18 steam was observed rising from Fukushima Daiichi Reactor 3, raising concerns that the damaged reactor's nuclear reaction had started again. If this has happened, another large release of radioactive material from the planet is probable.... continued

Unknowncountry Weekender: How to Go Private Online in a Data-Hungry World

July 20, 2013
Big Data—it means that everyone from the government to the average website can follow your every movement on the internet. Go to a website to look at a possible new car and the next thing you know, when you go... continued

HAARP is Shut Down

July 19, 2013
The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) was closed down in May due to budget cuts, and the site in Gakona, Alaska has been abandoned. The site was closed down in May. Nobody is on site, buildings are locked and... continued

World’s Oldest Known Calendar found in Scotland

July 19, 2013
Scottish archaeologists have discovered the world's oldest known lunar calendar--a series of 12 large, especially shaped pits, around 10,000 years old, that were designed to mimic the various phases of the moon. The pits align perfectly on the midwinter solstice... continued

We Have to Save Our Bees

July 19, 2013
Last year, half of all of California's bees died off, and bee populations across the world continued to plummet. The research is conclusive: bee colony collapse starts when bees are exposed to neonicotinoid pesticides. These pesticides are already banned in... continued