Comet Ison might Dust Earth

July 4, 2013
Comet Ison is going to be one of the most dramatic cosmic spectacles in years, and NASA believes that some of the dust being ejected from its tail may end up on Earth. The comet is a sungrazer, which means that it... continued

Menopause or MAN-O-Pause?

July 4, 2013
It turn out that what causes menopause in women is men. Men have a version of it too, but women are usually the ones with the annoying hot flashes. Although couples often have temperature disputes, for females menopause is part... continued

Unprecedented Hole Appears in Polar Ice

July 3, 2013
The thinning of the north polar cap has been a concern of scientists for years, but this summer it appears that the ice is thinning fastest at its center, right around the pole itself. This is unexpected and unprecedented and... continued

Horror of Elephant Poaching Could End–Because of Cold War Radiation

July 2, 2013
The atomic bomb testing of the Cold War years may be long over, but it turns out that some unexpected good has come of the radiation they left behind: it may help put the poachers of elephant tusks and rhinoceros... continued

Babies Who See Parental Violence may become Violent Kids

July 2, 2013
Aggression in school-age children may be triggered when kids are 3 years old and younger and witness violence between their mothers and their partners. These kids tend to be more aggressive than other children their age. Social worker Megan Holmes... continued

Geoengineering via Chemtrails Becoming a Mainstream Proposal

July 2, 2013
For years, there has been an ongoing controversy about chemtrails. Are chemicals being sprayed into the upper atmosphere or not? Whatever you believe about what's happening behind the scenes, a number of public figures are proposing that massive amounts of... continued

Record US Heat Wave to Worsen

June 30, 2013
A heat wave that has broken records across the western United States is expected to worsen over the next few days. Temperatures have broken records across much of the western half of the country, with a high of 115 in... continued

Star Might Have THREE Habitable Planets

June 30, 2013
Astronomers have identified a star system just 22 light years from Earth with three planets that could potentially harbor life. The Gliese star system is easy to locate in the constellation Scorpius. The two main stars, Gliese 667A and B,... continued

The Ability to Throw Made Us Human

June 30, 2013
Scientists have discovered that one of the primary things that has made us human is a surprising one: our ability to throw. Researcher Neil T. Roach proposes that this ability first evolved nearly 2 million years ago to aid in... continued

Another Leaker under Investigation–this Time the US Military’s Second in Command

June 29, 2013
In November of 2010, the existence of the Stuxnet virus was disclosed to reporters. The virus had been used by the US in a hacking attack to cause centrifuges in Iranian uranium enrichment facilities to fail, setting their nuclear weapons... continued