If Warp Drive is Possible, Visitors are Here

May 22, 2013
Scientists ignore the evidence of visitors to our planet on the assumption that the distances between stars are so great they they could never get here, but new research suggests that something like a 'warp drive' may be possible. If so,... continued

Tornado Devastation Strikes Midwest

May 22, 2013
Unknowncountry.com's Climate Watch page was one of the very few places that predicted and explained the violent weather that is now taking place in the US midwest. The problems started last January, when the polar vortex migrated south unusually early,... continued

Rising Volcanic Activity Along Western Pacific Rim

May 18, 2013
Two volcanoes in Alaska and Popocatepetl in Mexico are either erupting or showing signs of activity. As sea levels continue to rise, putting pressure on continental shelves, predictions are that volcanic activity will also increase, as well as seismic activity.... continued

Metallic Orbs Found in Hidden Chamber under Mexican Pyramid

May 17, 2013
Remote-controlled robots are exploring previously unknown rooms beneath the Temple of the Feathered Serpent at Teotihuacan  The probes have uncovered hundreds of metallic yellow orbs between 4 and 12 centimeters across. According to a release from Mexico's National Institute of... continued

Four X-Flares Explode from Sun

May 16, 2013
Over the past 48 hours, the sun has exploded with no fewer than four x-class flares. X flares are the most powerful type of flare. Sunspot AR1748 has produced the flares. The latest X-flare from the sunspot occured on May... continued

Anne Strieber to Attend Revelations Symposium

May 15, 2013
Anne Strieber's recovery has proceeded far enough to enable her to attend the Revelations Symposium where she and Clare Henry will present a program on angels in their lives. Until today, Anne's plans were unsure, but her doctor has cleared... continued

Amazing Black Triangle Witness Report

May 15, 2013
The Object Report has published one of the best and most detailed black triangle witness reports in the history of the UFO phenomenon. It is available as an Insight on Unknowncountry.com and on the Object Report's blog. On March 20th, 2013... continued

Superstorm Sandy so Powerful it Created a Seismic Event

May 15, 2013
When Superstorm Sandy turned and took aim at New York City and Long Island last October, ocean waves hitting each other and the shore rattled the seafloor and much of the United States--shaking that was detected by seismometers across the... continued

US Bee Colonies Devastated, Threatening Food Supply

May 14, 2013
A third of all honeybee colonies in the United States died last winter. This is a catastrophic rate of decline which, if it continues, will threaten the national food supply beginning within a few years. The rate of decline is roughly... continued

Mystery Plane Frightens Quincy Mass Residents

May 12, 2013
The FAA knows what a mysterious plane that has been flying low in loops over Quincy, Massachusetts for the past few weeks is doing, but it is refusing to tell. The plane is not owned by state or local authorities.... continued