The 911 Phone Calls: Something is Wrong with This Picture

May 30, 2013
On 9/11 Solicitor General Ted Olson reported getting two stunning phone calls from his wife, Barbara Olson of CNN, who was on the American Airlines plane allegedly headed for the Pentagon. Later, the heart-rending 'let's roll' call came in from... continued

US Expects ‘Extremely Active’ Hurricane Season as Critical Satellite Fails

May 29, 2013
The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has warned that the 2013 hurricane season is expected to be 'extremely active.' This is in part because of unusually warm water temperatures that are already extending further north than normal. Last season's... continued

Hungary Burns GMO Corn to Keep Its Crop Clean

May 28, 2013
Hungarian officials have burned 1,000 acres of genetically modified corn after it was discovered that the fields contained a mix of natural corn and the genetically modified variety. It was believed that the genetically modified corn was the product created... continued

Chinese Astronomers Expect to Locate Planets with Life

May 25, 2013
A group of Chinese astronomers have set up instruments at the highest point in Antarctica to search for Earth-like planets. The group has installed the first of three Antarctic Survey Telescopes at Dome Argus. One of the primary missions of... continued

Scientists Confirm Vast Catastrophe 10,800 BC

May 24, 2013
An ongoing controversy about what happened to end the last ice age in a huge catastrophe has been resolved. Something gigantic hit the Earth, leading to massive fires followed by flooding as ice sheets melted, and the extinction of huge... continued

If Warp Drive is Possible, Visitors are Here

May 22, 2013
Scientists ignore the evidence of visitors to our planet on the assumption that the distances between stars are so great they they could never get here, but new research suggests that something like a 'warp drive' may be possible. If so,... continued

Tornado Devastation Strikes Midwest

May 22, 2013's Climate Watch page was one of the very few places that predicted and explained the violent weather that is now taking place in the US midwest. The problems started last January, when the polar vortex migrated south unusually early,... continued

Rising Volcanic Activity Along Western Pacific Rim

May 18, 2013
Two volcanoes in Alaska and Popocatepetl in Mexico are either erupting or showing signs of activity. As sea levels continue to rise, putting pressure on continental shelves, predictions are that volcanic activity will also increase, as well as seismic activity.... continued

Metallic Orbs Found in Hidden Chamber under Mexican Pyramid

May 17, 2013
Remote-controlled robots are exploring previously unknown rooms beneath the Temple of the Feathered Serpent at Teotihuacan  The probes have uncovered hundreds of metallic yellow orbs between 4 and 12 centimeters across. According to a release from Mexico's National Institute of... continued

Four X-Flares Explode from Sun

May 16, 2013
Over the past 48 hours, the sun has exploded with no fewer than four x-class flares. X flares are the most powerful type of flare. Sunspot AR1748 has produced the flares. The latest X-flare from the sunspot occured on May... continued