Biofuel Made of Horse Feces

April 19, 2013
We've heard all kinds of biofuel suggestions, but this one is the most bizarre. Stepping into unexplored territory in efforts to use corn stalks, grass and other non-food plants to make biofuels, scientists have discovered a potential treasure-trove of potential... continued

We May Have Alien DNA

April 19, 2013
The answer to whether or not we are alone in the universe could be hidden inside every cell in our body. Astrophysicists Vladimir I. Cherbak and Maxim A. Makukov are looking for an intelligent signal embedded in our genetic code... continued

Planets Discovered That May Harbor Life

April 19, 2013
Three more Earth-like planets have been discovered by the Kepler Telescope, and it is becoming clear to scientists that there are Earth-like planets "everywhere," according to Kepler scientist Tom Barclay. Two of the planets are 1,200 light years away, and... continued

Do You Really Want to Know?

April 18, 2013
Other than skin cancer, prostate cancer is the most common cancer in American men. The American Cancer Society's estimates for prostate cancer in the United States are that almost 240,000 new cases of prostate cancer will be diagnosed this year,... continued

Closer Than Ever to Mars Travel

April 18, 2013
We're closer to going there than ever (and who knows what we'll discover when we get there? Subscribers can still listen to this show). Astronauts could be a step closer to visiting Mars if they travel there in a craft... continued

Print It? Careful of That Copyright!

April 18, 2013
It's getting so we can print whatever we need, from guns to guitars to body parts. But if we print action figures from Disney or Star Wars films (for example), we could run into copyright problems. Will a sheriff soon... continued

Sirius Alien not Fetal Material, but 6-8 Years Old at Death

April 18, 2013
The 'Atacama Humanoid' featured in the documentary 'Sirius,' to be released on April 22, was not a fetus as has been suggested by many commentators, but was 6 to 8 years old, according to the team producing the film. According... continued

Printing New Body Parts

April 17, 2013
Transplantation of body parts may soon become a thing of the past: We'll either regrow them or we'll PRINT them. The idea of printing organs has moved beyond science fiction, as the technology of three-dimensional printing (in which layers of... continued

Global Ocean Currents Faltering

April 17, 2013
The circulation of waters around the Antarctic continent is faltering, and could lead to the failure of currents around the world. If this happens, atmospheric circulation will also fail, with immediate and serious consequences for highly polluted areas such as... continued

Supreme Court Decison Nears on Who Owns Your DNA

April 17, 2013
A few weeks ago, we told you that someone ELSE may own YOUR DNA. Almost every cell in your body contains a copy of your genetic code--can a private company patent it and sell it? The Supreme Court says, "no."... continued