The Cure for Insomnia: Never Sleep Again

April 29, 2013
Here's a way to cure those restless nights--stop sleeping! There just aren't enough hours in the day to get everything done. If there was a DISEASE that robbed us of one-third of our lives, we'd invent a medicine to cure... continued

Tiny Russian Specimen Similiar to Greer Alien

April 26, 2013
In 2007, a tiny body surfaced in Russia that appears to have been similar to the Atacama specimen featured in Dr. Steven Greer's Sirius Documentary. The Russian specimen was said to have been found in 1996 in the Urals by an... continued

Kids Not Doing Well in School? Drug ‘Em

April 25, 2013
We live in an age where more and more kids seem to have ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), which makes them restless and inattentive in class. Nearly one in five high school age boys in the United States and 11%... continued

Coastal Cities Set to Drown

April 25, 2013
With coastal areas bracing for rising sea levels, new research indicates that cutting emissions of certain pollutants can greatly slow down sea level rise this century. A research team found that reductions in just FOUR pollutants that cycle comparatively quickly... continued

Wake Up!

April 25, 2013
A new branch of science has to do with being zapped by light. Contactees (NOTE: Subscribers can listen to this provocative interview) often see blue lights, but what office workers may soon see in the future is RED lights: a... continued

Climate Improving but Scientists Don’t Know Why

April 25, 2013
Scientists don't understand the recent slowdown in climate change that is occurring, DESPITE a rise in global greenhouse gas emissions. Is God looking out for us? (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show) Some of their theories are that... continued

Zap Your Addiction

April 24, 2013
The war on drugs isn't working, so it's time to shine some light on the subject. By stimulating one part of the brain with laser light, researchers have shown that they can wipe away addictive behavior in rats--or do the... continued

Scared of Death? Take Tylenol!

April 24, 2013
Thinking about death can cause us to feel a sort of existential angst that isn't attributable to a specific source. Now, new research suggests that the over-the-counter pain reliever acetaminophen may help to reduce this existential pain. Scientists say that... continued

Scans Reveal Hidden Mysteries

April 24, 2013
A team of archaeologists from the University of Southampton have used the latest in digital imaging technology to record and analyze carvings on an Easter Island statue. And those body scanners the TSA uses at the airport are having a... continued

Animals Make Their Own Medicine

April 23, 2013
It's been known for decades that animals such as chimpanzees seek out medicinal herbs to treat their diseases, in order to alleviate their pain (NOTE: Subscribers can till listen to this story, as well as Whitley's commentary on it). Moths,... continued