Fending Off Divorce

April 10, 2013
Almost half of all marriages end in divorce--is there anything that can be done about this? Researchers have come up with an incredible idea: A new kind of "love drug" that can heal wounded relationships. It will in the form... continued

Dirt Makes You Happier

April 10, 2013
Gardens are good for your brain--and a type of bacteria in the soil called Mycobacterium vaccae may be the reason why. On Arizona Public Media, Gisela Telis quotes psychiatrist Charles Raison as saying, "What's remarkable is that this microorganism seems... continued

Roadkill? Evolution!

April 10, 2013
There's all kinds of evolution: Cliff swallows that build nests that dangle from highway overpasses have a lower chance of becoming roadkill than they used to because their progeny has developed shorter wingspans, so that they can dodge oncoming traffic.... continued

The Evolution of Gambling

April 9, 2013
The history of life on Earth is still a mystery: Bacteria have been around for about 3 billion years, but for most of this time they had had the Earth to themselves. Seaweed, jellyfish-like creatures, sponges and worms arrived a... continued

If You’re a Fussy Eater

April 9, 2013
If you don't like vegetables, you may be missing out on nutrition, especially if you're dieting. You could even be part Neanderthal! Approximately 25% of people don't like veggies that they categorize as "bitter," while another third don't taste that... continued

Missing Something? Grow a New Body Part

April 9, 2013
Why wait in line for an organ transplant when you can grow your own? Or if you don't like your nose, forget plastic surgery--grow a new one. These amazing abilities--once part of science fiction--are now on the way. A laboratory... continued


April 8, 2013
More than a million people die every year from air pollution in China, which has the fastest growing economy in the world. But how do you convince people to come and work in what is ALSO the most polluted city... continued

Your Cell Phone Can Give You a Heart Attack

April 8, 2013
Not because of any radiation that might be emanating from it, but because texting--instead of meeting with friends face to face--is associated with a greater risk of heart disease. Neuroscientists have found evidence that experiences leave imprints--not only in our... continued

Someone ELSE Owns Your DNA

April 8, 2013
In the future, doctors will be able to diagnose the diseases we're likely to get, such as heart disease and diabetes, by looking at our DNA. That way, they'll be able to give us concrete advice about our health habits.... continued

Catching Criminals BEFORE they Strike Again

April 5, 2013
A researcher gave 96 male prisoners fMRI brain scans just before their release (he could have given them a spit test). Their brains were scanned during computer tasks during which they had to make quick decisions and control their impulses.... continued