Is Perfectionism Genetic?

March 26, 2013
Where does such perfectionism come from? It can either cripple a person, as they strive to reach unattainable goals, or it can cause them to triumph. Psychologists blame parents who overemphasize achievement or make love conditional upon meeting certain goals.... continued

Oil-Rich Saudis Go Solar

March 26, 2013
Saudi Arabia, the world's leading oil producer, has just built a huge solar power plant. Is the country going "green"--or are they running out of oil? They plan to use it to generate one third of their electricity needs by... continued

Stonehenge Was Both Hospital and Burial Ground

March 26, 2013
More than 50,000 cremated bone fragments, of 63 individuals buried at Stonehenge, have been excavated and studied for the first time by a team of archeologists. The skeletons were discovered due to a renovation of the area around the ancient... continued

Ancient Bacteria–Is It Dangerous?

March 25, 2013
Russian scientists may have discovered new life forms that have been sealed off for 14 million years under 12 thousand miles of ice in Lake Vostok in the Antarctic, a network of hundreds of lakes under an ice cap that... continued

When the Sun Goes Crazy

March 25, 2013
It's happened before: In 1859, sunspots erupted, causing sparks in telegraph offices that set paper on fire. Today, 150 years later, we are much MORE "wired," and sun flares are much more dangerous. Satellites would be disabled. GPS and radio... continued

Who Did It–Man or Machine?

March 25, 2013
The future of "killer drones" is one in which, instead of being operated by remote control, the drones themselves make the decision to attack. If (and when) that happens, who will be held responsible--the machine or the military that launched... continued

How to Hunt for UFOs

March 22, 2013
We are receiving more and more reports from UFO hunters that they are having success. What was a rare experience ten years ago is now commonplace. But you have to take some basic steps (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to... continued

Dolphins on the Attack

March 22, 2013
The Ukraine has trained dolphins to be attack animals, ready to go after enemy swimmers, wearing knives on their noses. The Soviet Union originated this program, and turned over to Ukraine after the Cold War. The program includes training dolphins... continued

Hiding the Truth

March 22, 2013
We've discovered that a lot of the "mystery meat" in tacos and fast food is really horse meat, despite being labeled as "beef." Here's the latest example of mislabeling: Two department stores have been caught selling REAL fur coats as... continued

Billboard Messages Affect Your Driving

March 21, 2013
There's a billboard up ahead, a roadside sign full of language and imagery. You become emotionally distracted, and guess what happens next? One researcher has discovered that language used on billboards can provoke an emotional response that affects our driving... continued