Bee Venom Kills AIDS

March 12, 2013
A new study show that bee venom can kill the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). While we don't recommend getting stung by bees as a preventative, this COULD be incorporated into a protective gel for women. The secret is a toxin... continued

What if Coal Didn’t Pollute

March 11, 2013
We're desperately searching for new oil and gas (with fracking), but we have plenty of coal. China does too, but they use so much of it that their country is hopelessly polluted. If only we could find a way to... continued

End of the Gentle Giants

March 11, 2013
African forest elephants are being poached out of existence. A new study with of largest dataset on forest elephants ever compiled reveals a loss of more than 60% in the past decade, due to slaughtering them for their ivory tusks.... continued

Mining Mars

March 11, 2013
NASA's Curiosity rover has bored into a Martian rock and pulled out its first sample of the planet's insides to analyze. This could be the first step to mining Mars. In New Scientist, Lisa Grossman quotes NASA's Louise Jandura as... continued

Don’t Swat It–It May be a Spy

March 8, 2013
Why make tiny flying drones when you can fly REAL insects by remote-control? In 2006, DARPA asked US scientists to submit "innovative proposals to develop technology to create insect-cyborgs"--tiny flying robots that can perform surveillance in dangerous territory. One there... continued

We’re Closer Than Ever to Becoming Invisible

March 8, 2013
Great strides are being made, when it comes to creating invisibility. Baile Zhang, a scientist from Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, caused his audience to gasp when he demonstrated the following experiment: He used a small box made of calcite... continued

Will the Next Pope be Black?

March 8, 2013
Africa is the continent where Catholicism is strongest, unlike Europe, where people are becoming more secular--even in Italy, home of the Vatican. The exiting Pope Benedict will have a lot of influence on who will be chosen to succeed him.... continued

Smoking Solution

March 8, 2013
The number of smokers has gone down--fewer than one in five adults now smoke in the US, which is about half as many smokers as there were 50 years ago. Despite this, cigarettes kill more than 400,000 Americans every year.... continued

New Ice Age in Alaska

March 8, 2013
While most of the world is experiencing global warming, Alaska seems to be entering another ice age. Since 2000, temperatures in Alaska have dropped by 2.4 degrees Fahrenheit. When scientists looked at weather reports from 20 climate stations in that... continued

Chavez Death May Mean End of Castro Regime

March 8, 2013
The death of Venezuela President Hugo Chavez on March 5th may ALSO spell the end of Communism is Cuba, because Chavez supported the Castro regime in a way that Venezuela--itself having money problems--cannot really afford, and Chavez's replacement, probably Nicolás... continued