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A Heartbreaking Job
February 22, 2013Whether or not you're glad that Obama won re-election, Here's something you should know (and it applies to BOTH sides of the political spectrum): Ten of the nation's 44 presidents likely suffered strokes during their presidencies or after leaving office.... continued
Evidence of an ET Machine?
February 22, 2013A reflecting nebula in the constellation Orion NGC 1999 shows a black cloud near its center. SETI's chief scientist, Seth Shostak, thinks suggests these should be studied in the search for extraterrestrial life. This is called a "Bok globule," named... continued
Massive Sunspot Could Pose Solar Flare Danger
February 22, 2013NASA has warned that a huge solar flare now developing could cause a dangerous solar storm that could disrupt electrical grids on Earth. At present NASA is estimating a 15% chance that sunspot region AR 1678 may generate an X-class... continued
Music Medicine
February 21, 2013Music has been incorporated into medical practice since before the ancient Greeks. However, though practitioners have been convinced of music's health benefits for thousands of years, there had been little peer-reviewed research to back them up, but recent studies are... continued
What Fat Dads Do
February 21, 2013A father's fatness may influence his children's health and raise their risk for diseases like cancer. Biologist Adelheid Soubry says, "Understanding the risks of the current Western lifestyle on future generations is important." In the past, researchers looking at health... continued
Dangerous Particles in Our Food
February 21, 2013Molecule-size particles are entering the food chain through processed foods and their packaging. Nanotechnology can help make products creamier without additional fat, as well as intensify and improve flavors and brighten colors. Their small size allows nanoparticles to go places... continued
Meditation Can Make You Healthier
February 20, 2013We all assume it will make us more spiritual, and perhaps more attuned to our feelings, but it turns out it can actually improve our HEALTH as well. Transcendental meditation (TM), popularized by the Beatles' guru in the 1960s, is... continued
It’s Right to Fight
February 20, 2013We may have evolved to make love, not war, but we ALSO evolved to use our fists! Scientists think that human hands evolved not only for the manual dexterity needed to use tools, play a violin or paint a work... continued
Why Can’t Congress Make a Decision?
February 20, 2013Congress is showing a frustrating inability to figure out how to deal with federal spending cuts, but their behavior may not be so incomprehensible if you look at them as a bunch of people with bad teeth who need dental... continued
What Made You Vote the Way You Did?
February 19, 2013A team of political scientists and neuroscientists has shown that liberals and conservatives use different parts of the brain when they make risky decisions, and these regions can be used to predict which political party a person prefers. The new... continued