It’s Right to Fight

February 20, 2013
We may have evolved to make love, not war, but we ALSO evolved to use our fists! Scientists think that human hands evolved not only for the manual dexterity needed to use tools, play a violin or paint a work... continued

Why Can’t Congress Make a Decision?

February 20, 2013
Congress is showing a frustrating inability to figure out how to deal with federal spending cuts, but their behavior may not be so incomprehensible if you look at them as a bunch of people with bad teeth who need dental... continued

What Made You Vote the Way You Did?

February 19, 2013
A team of political scientists and neuroscientists has shown that liberals and conservatives use different parts of the brain when they make risky decisions, and these regions can be used to predict which political party a person prefers. The new... continued

Your Very Own Avatar

February 19, 2013
Sometimes we hate mice, but sometimes we love them. You can now own a mouse with an immune system that's identical to yours. Why would you want to do that? So that drugs and medical therapies can be tested on... continued

911 to be Tried in UK Court of Law

February 19, 2013
On February 25, in a small town in the UK, three hours of detailed 9/11 evidence will be judged in a court of law. The BBC will be challenged over the inaccurate and biased manner in which it reported the... continued

Do You REALLY Want to Know?

February 19, 2013
The study of genealogy--finding our roots--is a popular pastime these days. According to a 2012 study by market-research firm Global Industry Analysts, these searchers spent $2.3 billion on genealogy products and services last year, and membership in web-based genealogy sites... continued

Meteor Strike in Cuba

February 16, 2013
Residents in the Cuban town of Rodas have reported a meteor strike that made an enormous noise as it hit. It is possible there is a debris field in Earth's gravity well, possibly following the asteroid that just passed the... continued

Meteor Strikes but Asteroid Passes Safely

February 16, 2013
As Asteroid 2012 DA14 approached Earth, a significant meteor strike took place in central Russia. Most experts do not believe that the two events were related, and NASA has confirmed that the asteroid has not broken up. However, smaller debris... continued

Your Ancestor was a Rat!

February 16, 2013
No, we don't just mean that we all have some nasty folks in our family tree--We're talking about an actual rat-like mammal that is the common ancestor of all humans. It weighed about half a pound, had a long furry... continued

Radioactive Pots and Pans

February 16, 2013
How would you like radioactive metal from nuclear weapons facilities to be recycled for use in consumer goods like silverware, pots and pans, eye glasses, zippers, kid's braces, and even pacemakers and artificial hip joints? This practice was banned in... continued