We’re Not Ready

February 11, 2013
The British Royal Academy of Engineering has completed a study of the UK power grid showing that it is relatively well prepared to weather a solar superstorm--but the opposite is true in the United States. It turns out that explosive... continued

Why We Smell Bad When We’re Nervous

February 9, 2013
We understand why we perspire when we're exercising--as our sweat evaporates, it cools off our body. But why do we sweat so much when we're under stress? And this is the really stinky kind of sweat, the kind we apply... continued

The Moon Was Once Magnetic

February 9, 2013
Research on an ancient lunar rock suggests that almost 4 billion years ago, the moon once had a molten, core of liquid metal that generated a strong magnetic field. The Daily Galaxy quotes planetary scientist Benjamin Weiss as saying, "The... continued

Virus in GM Foods Could be Dangerous

February 8, 2013
GM crops such as corn, which are being grown around the world for both human and farm animal consumption, include a virus gene that could be poisonous to humans that has not been tested for safety. A new study by... continued

We Don’t Know Why Some Men are Pedophiles

February 7, 2013
Pedophilia was once thought to stem from psychological influences in early life, but now psychologists think it's a deep-rooted sexual orientation as concrete as heterosexuality or homosexuality, limited almost entirely to men. It becomes clearer during puberty and does not... continued

Spiders Spinning Bulletproof Vests

February 7, 2013
Scientists are trying to figure out what makes the fiber that spiders spin at least five times as strong as piano wire. Spider silk may eventually become a medical miracle that can produce skin grafts for burn victims, helps knit... continued

Get Off It!

February 7, 2013
Some people may feel that drugs are OK, but others want desperately to get rid of their addictions. In case "just say no" doesn't work for you, researchers have discovered a chemical that can help heroin users kick their habit,... continued

The Trouble with Robots

February 6, 2013
Every month, the US economy becomes more automated. Robots can cut manufacturing costs, but the problem is that they can't SPEND any money (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show), so the items they create may go unsold. It's... continued

Regrow Body Parts

February 6, 2013
Can we regrow body parts? And if we can, how far can this go? Ron Strang had a roadside bomb in Afghanistan blow off part of his left thigh while serving in Afghanistan. He thought he'd never walk again, He... continued

Bacteria in the Clouds

February 6, 2013
Researchers have discovered the presence of significant numbers of living microorganisms--mostly bacteria--in the middle and upper troposphere, the part of the atmosphere four to six miles above the Earth's surface. In other words, the clouds are filled with germs! Do... continued