Why Target the Elderly?

February 5, 2013
You may have noticed more TV ads lately--about medicines, etc.--that are obviously aimed at older viewers. Is this because they have more money than younger viewers, many of whom are out of work? Or could it be because their aging... continued

How to Build on the Moon

February 5, 2013
We may use inflatables to create an extension for the ISS, but when we build on the moon (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show), we want something more permanent: While an inflatable structure could be transported from Earth,... continued

Meds May Cause School Massacres

February 5, 2013
Why do we have so much violence in schools? (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show). Psychiatrist David Healy thinks it may be partly due to the meds we're giving to our kids, which make millions of dollars for... continued

Why We Survived and They Didn’t

February 4, 2013
Neanderthals, who went extinct about 30,000 years ago, were smart, tough and remarkably resilient. They created some of our earliest art in Spanish caves more than 40,000 years old. They didn't die off, we "mated" them out of existence. In... continued

Even Football Players Get Superbugs

February 4, 2013
We're all wearing millions of bacteria, and some of these are antibiotic-resistant superbugs (MRSA). MRSA identifies a staph infection that is unable to be defeated by most penicillin-based drugs. Many people unknowingly carry MRSA on their skin as part of... continued

Fracking Seen from Space

February 4, 2013
There is so much fracking going on in the US right now that shale mines are burning off enough gas to power all the homes in Chicago and Washington combined, with a method that is freeing us from dependence on... continued

Your Body is Electric (If You Wear the Right Clothes)

February 1, 2013
Scientists are now working on turning the human body into a power station that can act like a battery pack to run your laptop, as well as other appliances that you carry or wear. A pacemaker powered by the energy... continued

Star Trek Travel by Tractor Beam

February 1, 2013
Teleportation may be on its way. New technology utilizes a beam of light to attract objects (you and me?). Instead of boarding a plane, we'd pay to have someone at our destination turn on a gigantic lamp. A real-life "tractor... continued

Jocks Smarter Than Bookworms (At Some Things, Anyway)

February 1, 2013
We don't know about football players, but English Premier League soccer players, NHL hockey players, France's Top 14 club rugby players, and even elite amateur athletes have better developed cognitive functions than the average university student. Optometrist Jocelyn Faubert studied... continued

Can We Predict Quakes Like We Can Predict the Weather?

January 31, 2013
People have been trying to predict earthquakes (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show) for thousands of years. Twenty-three hundred years ago, hordes of mice, snakes, and insects fled the Greek city of Helike on the Gulf of Corinth.... continued