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How the Internet Changes Your Brain
January 29, 2013Lots of things change our brains (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show). We know that reading changes the brain--according to the language you read. Does using the internet change your brain as well? If so, then people in... continued
Far Flung Pollution Affects Us All
January 29, 2013Chemicals used as flame retardants are present as environmental pollutants all around the globe, including remote sites in Indonesia, Nepal and Tasmania, where no one wears clothes that are treated with these chemicals. Researcher Amina Salamova says, "These findings illustrate... continued
Mad Cow Medicine
January 28, 2013We don't hear much about Mad Cow Disease anymore (thank goodness), but scientists are studying the human form (Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease) because it has similarities to diseases that affect millions, such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and Lou Gehrig's Disease (ALS) (NOTE: Subscribers... continued
The Real Cost of Superstorms
January 28, 2013It's not just cleaning up the mess they leave behind, it's the fact that by blowing away houses, they diminish the tax base that supports local schools. In the January 25th edition of the New York Times, Alison Leigh Cowan... continued
January 28, 2013It's superbowl time again, and time to talk about football head injuries. At least there's now a new technique that may lead to earlier diagnosis of brain disorders in athletes The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that millions... continued
Whistle Talk
January 25, 2013La Gomera is one of the smallest Canary Islands, and it's a place where its inhabitants communicate with each other by whistling. As you walk along the beach in La Gomera, you can hear the sounds of the Gomeran whistle,... continued
Tracking Down an International Hum
January 25, 2013The Canadian government will fund a search for the cause of the mysterious Windsor hum, a low, persistent noise that's been bothering there residents for two years. It's been described as described as sounding like an idling truck or train... continued
Clues to Mars Life May Lie Underground
January 25, 2013Minerals found in the subsurface of Mars, a zone of more than three miles below ground, make for the strongest evidence yet that the red planet may have supported life (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show). Up to... continued
Wolves and Dogs–What’s the Difference?
January 24, 2013Dogs and wolves are genetically so similar, it's been difficult for biologists to understand why wolves remain fiercely wild, while dogs can gladly become "man's best friend." Biologists think the different behaviors are related to the animals' earliest sensory experiences... continued
Who is More Stressed by Bad News?
January 24, 2013Couples fight over lots of things, including the TV news. Does she want to change the channel when stories about war and famine, while he's not bothered by them? It turns out that bad news articles in the media increase... continued