Times When We Function Best

January 2, 2013
By paying attention to our body clocks, we can figure out what times we function best at certain tasks, and decide whether to put them aside for later--or do them right away. This can range from manual tasks to creative... continued

Beware the FOODover

December 31, 2012
If you have get a hangover after New Year's Eve parties, it may not just be what you drank--it could be what those canapés you ate as well (and if you ate TOO MUCH, you need Anne Strieber's famous diet... continued


December 31, 2012
The force of a champagne cork can shatter glass--and it can also seriously injure your eye. Warm bottles of champagne and improper cork-removal techniques cause serious, potentially blinding eye injuries each year. Champagne bottles contain pressure as high as 90... continued

Alcohol Can Rewire Our Brains

December 31, 2012
Is it possible to rewire our brain? (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show). Sometimes this may happen without our knowledge, such as when we drink too much. Doctors have long recognized a link between alcoholism and anxiety disorders... continued

Popular Furniture Brand Originally Built by Political Prisoners

December 28, 2012
When we're searching for simply-styled, low-cost furniture, fixtures and accessories, many of us head for Ikea. But there's something most of us don't know: This Swedish company originally used East German prisoners who were incarcerated for their political beliefs, to... continued

Changing the Speed of Time

December 28, 2012
We may not be able to manipulate the speed of light, but by tinkering with the neural connections that indicate its passage in our brains, we may be able to alter the speed of time--or at least with how fast... continued

Want to Live a Long Life? Have Kids!

December 28, 2012
Studies show that parents live much longer than people who do not have children--they even get fewer colds. Using statistics, Danish researcher Esben Agerbo discovered that women without children experienced an annual rate of death four times greater than those... continued

Habits: Good and Bad

December 27, 2012
Habits are behaviors that are so deeply wired into our brains that we perform them automatically. They can be both good and bad: A habit can allow you to follow the same route to work every day without thinking about... continued

Drinking Can SAVE Your Life

December 27, 2012
If you have a car accident and are taken to the hospital, you're less likely to die if you've been drinking (as long as you weren't drinking so much that it CAUSED the accident!) It turns out that injured patients... continued

Europeans Related to Native Americans–BEFORE They Came to North America

December 27, 2012
You may think you know who your ancestors were, but do you REALLY? Using genetic analyses, scientists have discovered that Northern European populations--including British, Scandinavians, French, and some Eastern Europeans--are descended from a mixture of two very different ancestral populations,... continued