How We Know Who’s Testing Nukes

December 18, 2012
In the search for rogue nukes, researchers have discovered an unlikely tool: radio telescopes used by astronomers. Working with astronomers at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), researcher have analyzed historical data from the Very Large Array (VLA), a constellation... continued

How to Get the Christmas Spirit

December 17, 2012
Having trouble getting into the spirit of Christmas? We have the solution for you: Whitley Strieber's wonderful little book Christmas Spirits. In his Journal, he writes: "When I wrote The Christmas Spirits, I was not really speculating, but rather trying... continued

Deception: Animals Do It, Robots Can Too

December 17, 2012
From the Trojan Horse to D-Day, deception has always played a role during wartime. In fact, there is an entire Army field manual on its use and value in the battlefield. In order to avoid casualties, the military hopes to... continued

Can We Stop the Violence?

December 17, 2012
In the Bible, Jeremiah 31:15 and Matthew 2:18 both tell the same story: "A voice was heard in Ramah, Lamentation and bitter weeping, Rachel weeping for her children, Refusing to be comforted for her children, Because they are no more."... continued

Fire or Water?

December 14, 2012
How will the world end? It may not end on December 21st, but it WILL end someday. After Noah's ark finally reached land, God promised Noah that he would not flood the earth again, that it would be "the fire... continued

The Truth About Christmas Shopping

December 14, 2012
Does it sometimes seem like department stores go out of their way to make the shopping experience unpleasant, when you'd think, especially around Christmas, that they'd do just the opposite? There's a reason for this: It turns out that the... continued

Robots May Destroy Human Civilization

December 14, 2012
Scientists and philosophers in the UK are studying the likelihood of robots taking over and destroying our world. The Center for the Study of Existential Risk (CSER) will study the dangers posed by biotechnology, artificial life, nanotechnology and climate change.... continued

Cigarette Butts Make a Cozy Nest

December 14, 2012
At last: Something GOOD about smoking! Birds in Mexico City are lining their nests with cigarette butts they pick up off the street, and scientists have discovered that they repel pests and keep the baby birds warm. They're filling their... continued

Digging Them Up

December 14, 2012
A record number of buried bodies are being exhumed lately. The body of the former Palestinian leader Yasir Arafat is being tested to see if his sudden death in 2004 was caused by poison (they suspect the Israelis, naturally). Suspicious... continued

How Much is the Earth Melting?

December 14, 2012
We didn't really know--until now. The ocean, which has risen an average of 8 inches since 1900, should rise another 3 feet or so by 2100, but without an accurate record of where we started, we can't know if the... continued