The Science of Gift Giving

December 12, 2012
When we buy someone a present, most of us try to get inside mind of the recipient, but thoughtful gifts--where you try to give someone what they want the most--are NOT the best bet. The giving of a thoughtful gift... continued

Don’t Develop New Drugs, Reuse the Old

December 12, 2012
Did you know that Viagra was first developed as a drug for heart disease, before it became a drug for erectile dysfunction? Or that Rogaine, which is now a baldness treatment, was originally used to treat high blood pressure? One... continued

Search for the Perfect Tree

December 11, 2012
If you decide to go for a real Christmas tree, instead of a fake, you'll be faced with the problem of falling needles, as the tree dries out. A seven foot evergreen will bear 350,000 needles and drop most of... continued

Methane is the Tipping Point

December 11, 2012
Permafrost is thawing all over the planet, and this releases the powerful greenhouse gas methane. Permafrost covers nearly a quarter of the northern hemisphere and may contain as much as 1,700 gigatons of carbon, which is twice the amount that... continued

Booms Again!

December 11, 2012
There has been a surprising outburst of booming sounds in many US communities lately. In Columbia County, Georgia, some people said they were so loud that they woke them up at night. On ABC News, Michael Miller quotes Pam Tucker,... continued

Major US Waterway Drying Up

December 10, 2012
Global warming affects different water ways differently. Glacier melt has opened up the Northwest Passage again, but the mighty Mississippi's water level is reaching a historic low due to the Midwestern drought, and America's busiest waterway could become impassable to... continued

Your TV May be Spying on You

December 10, 2012
While you're watching TV, your TV could be watching YOU, but only if you buy a special kind of DVR that not only notes what shows you watch (the way a Tivo does), but actually SPIES on you (NOTE: subscribers... continued

Russian PM Says Aliens Here

December 10, 2012
It sounded like a joke at first, but was it? After an interview, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said that aliens are here. He has previously spoken about top secret files on aliens that may have landed in Russia. The... continued

Another Way to Catch a Superbug

December 8, 2012
Too many antibiotics are used on the farm, meaning that people who live near livestock or in livestock farming communities may be at greater risk of acquiring an antibiotic-resistant superbug. You don't need to actually VISIT these farms or ranches:... continued

Mexicans Investigating 2012

December 7, 2012
The Mayans living there say it isn't real--now Mexico's archaeology institute is checking out that December 21st doomsday prediction. They basically deny it, but they HAVE admitted that a SECOND reference to that date has been found on a carved... continued