What NASA Found on Mars

December 4, 2012
We told you it was coming and here it is: NASA's Mars Curiosity rover has used its full array of instruments to analyze Martian soil for the first time, and found a complex chemistry there, including water, sulfur and chlorine-containing... continued

New Flu in the Middle East

December 3, 2012
It's time to begin paying attention to the new SARS-like virus found in Saudi Arabia and Qatar. While only six cases have been identified so far, two of the patients died. Lots of Saudis travel to the West on business--will... continued

Botox for Gamblers

December 3, 2012
Who needs to keep a straight face and not reveal their emotions? Poker players! Despite sometimes unintended consequences, a doctor is betting that poker players are going to be the next big market for Botox. In the Huffington Post, David... continued

Can You Print That?

December 3, 2012
Say we do finally get to the moon--how are we going to get all the tools we need to build things up there? The answer might be the new science of 3-D printing: All you need to do is take... continued

How Channelers’ Brains Work

November 30, 2012
A new study of channelers has found that areas of the brain associated with language and activity close down when they are engaged in channeling. This means that the part of the brain that forms words is not in use... continued

Wifi Spy

November 30, 2012
Just because you're "borrowing" your neighbor's wifi signal because you don't have your own doesn't mean that the police can't subpoena your internet files without a search warrant. The fourth amendment of the constitution protects us against unreasonable government searches... continued

Mayans Protest Doomsday Claims

November 30, 2012
As December 21st comes closer, the Mayans of Guatemala are speaking out against what some are calling a government- and tour business-led effort to profit off a major misinterpretation of their traditions (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to these shows).... continued

How Much Has Hunting Affected Whales?

November 29, 2012
In order to know that, we need to know how many whales were in the oceans 200 years ago, BEFORE the industrial whaling era. One way to do this is to measure whale songs, but how can we listen to... continued

Grow New Body Parts

November 29, 2012
Medical miracles happen all the time--maybe someday soon, one of them will benefit YOU (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to these provocative interviews). New research shows how embryonic stem cells--taken from your own body--can renew themselves indefinitely and to turn... continued

Discovery of a Homeless Planet

November 29, 2012
Lately, astronomers have been searching for life on the MOONS of planets, but they've also discovered a new planet--one that wandering through the galaxy "homeless," rather than orbiting around a star. Researcher Jonathan Gagné says, "Over the past few years,... continued