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Why Do We Want So Much Stuff?
November 21, 2012Capitalism would die if we didn't, but it doesn't do much for our spiritual life (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show). As "Black Friday"--the biggest shopping day of the year in the US--approaches, it's something to think about.... continued
What to Watch (and NOT to Watch) Before You Make That Long Drive
November 21, 2012Don't set off for that long Thanksgiving holiday drive after watching a horror movie. People's driving behaviors can be subtly influenced by emotionally charged images, and research has shown that people often drive more recklessly after viewing an action movie... continued
Why We Evolved
November 21, 2012There are lots of theories about what caused human evolution. Here's a new one: cooking! When humans invented cooking, it increased the number of calories they consumed, since heat breaks down cellulose in plants, making them more digestible and releasing... continued
NASA has a Major Mars Announcement Coming
November 21, 2012NASA has announced that one of the instruments on the Curiosity Rover has sent back some extraordinary data, but the transmission is still being checked to make certain that it is not a fluke, and so far the space agency... continued
Don’t Like Vegetables? Let Them Eat Cake!
November 20, 2012Dessert is evolving from the traditional to the unexpected: Now it's often a good way to get your vegetables. Today's pastry chefs are going beyond carrot cake, zucchini bread, and sweet potato pie when it comes to making desserts with... continued
Navigating Through the TSA
November 20, 2012The holidays will soon be here, and many of us will be traveling to see family and friends for Thanksgiving and Christmas. We've begun to dread those TSA lines that involve the scan and the pat down, being exposed to... continued
Math Can be a Pain in the Brain
November 20, 2012If you didn't do well in math, it may be because crunching numbers literally hurts your brain. When neuroscientists look at a human brain under an fMRI machine, while they give them a math problem to do, the pain centers... continued
Searching for New Moons
November 19, 2012You'd think that astronomers would be searching for new planets, but what they're REALLY interested in is MOONS. They suspect that if life really does exist elsewhere in the universe, the moon of another planet might be a good place... continued
Texas Tick Makes Meat Eating Dangerous
November 19, 2012Meat lovers living in the central and southern regions of the country might be opting for a vegetarian lifestyle if meat comes with an unwanted side of a life-threatening allergic reaction. The Texas tick inhabiting these regions is the primary... continued
Unexploded Bombs Threaten Oil Rigs
November 19, 2012BP was recently given a record fine for mistakes that caused a major oil leak in the Gulf. But there are other threats, besides CEO mistakes, lurking in the deep waters out there. After World War II, the US government... continued