Deadly Diseases Spread by Commerce

November 8, 2012
The Bible tells us that the love of money is the root of all evil, but it actually may be the root of all DISEASE, because new diseases are being spread by commerce (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this... continued

When a Star Screams

November 8, 2012
Ever heard a star scream? Astrophysicists have detected the oscillating signal that heralds the last gasps of a star being sucked up by a previously dormant supermassive black hole. The "screams," scientifically known as "quasiperiodic oscillations," occurred steadily every 200... continued

Wild Animals in Your Backyard

November 8, 2012
There are WILD animals lurking in hidden places in manicured suburbs. This year, Princeton, New Jersey hired sharpshooters to cull 250 deer from the town's herd of 550 at a cost of almost $60,000. Columbia, South Carolina is spending $1... continued

Your Intelligence Depends on Who’s Listening

November 8, 2012
Social factors can have a powerful effect on our intelligence. Most of us feel intelligent and amusing when talking to a particular person and feel dumb and inarticulate when talking to someone else. In the October 7th edition of the... continued

When We Should–and Should NOT–Forgive

November 6, 2012
Forgiveness is good for the soul: In the Bible, Jesus told us (NOTE: subscribers can still listen to this show) to forgive our enemies. Forgiveness is even good for our health--it lowers our cholesterol--but it may encourage whoever hurt us... continued

Whatever Happened to Compromise?

November 6, 2012
Most of us are really tired of the members of our Congress fighting like hummers instead of getting anything done. We live in a world of extremes, which we cycle through: One extreme belief seems to dominate, until the opposing... continued

Careful What You Tweet!

November 6, 2012
Tweeting false information could put you in jail. During Superstorm Sandy, a Twitter user spread misinformation by tweeting that the New York Stock Exchange "is flooded under more than 3 feet of water" and New York Governor Andrew Cuomo "is... continued

Men, We’ll Miss ‘Em

November 5, 2012
You may not have noticed, but women are now on top. They're supporting their families during the recession, because they're more flexible--they're better at adapting to major changes in the economy and the culture. Is the recession really a "mancession?" In... continued

Washington Under Water

November 5, 2012
If climate change continues, coastal cities may drown. Even our Capitol may eventually be under water! Current trends and predicted increases suggest that our nation's capital is likely to face flooding and infrastructure damage in both the short- and long-term... continued

We Vote With Our Genes

November 5, 2012
Which candidate you vote for may depend more on your biological make-up than a careful analysis of issues, because the brains of self-identified Democrats and Republicans are hard-wired differently and may be naturally inclined to hold varying, if not opposing,... continued