WE’LL Make It!

October 26, 2012
Why wait for them to land? (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show) Let's make a flying saucer ourselves! Florida professor Subrata Roy has analyzed UFOs and he thinks he know how they work. He wants to build a... continued

WHO MADE This Year’s Crop Circles?

October 25, 2012
Some researchers think ALL of the crop circles are manmade, some think NONE of them are made by people, and other researchers think BOTH are the case (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to ALL of these shows). But everyone agrees that... continued

Sprouts of Life From Space

October 25, 2012
There's a reason we've sent a rover called "Curiosity" up to Mars: Astronomers want to prove the theory that microorganisms on an asteroid from Mars that crashed into the Earth billions of years ago may have started life here. We... continued

Moving into Allergy Land

October 25, 2012
When you move from one town to another, you can pick up a whole new set of allergies. For instance, people say that about five years after moving to Austin, Texas, you start to get your "Austin allergies." Is that... continued

Melt Menace

October 25, 2012
The Arctic melt that has opened up the Northwest Passage again may be good for business, but it's bad for potential terrorism against the US. In the past, the remote gray waters of the Alaskan Arctic saw little more than... continued

Oil From Air

October 24, 2012
A small British company has developed a process that produces gasoline from water vapor and carbon dioxide. The only thing it needs to make this incredible transformation is air. The company hopes that within two years it will build a... continued

Why Peaceful People Get Aggressive

October 24, 2012
What does a religion known for teaching non-violence have to do with martial arts disciplines designed to cripple or kill? It turns out that these practices keep the mind sharp enough to meditate effectively. The idea of the Asian martial... continued

What Rocks Reveal (If They Come From Mars, Anyway)

October 24, 2012
The space rock called the Tissint meteorite, that landed in the Moroccan desert last year, (with a fireball and double sonic boom), was knocked off Mars (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show) in a cosmic collision around 700,000... continued

Free for Subscribers!

October 23, 2012
The best things in life are--well, you know. And we have good news for you: New subscribers who subscribe for one year will get a FREE unknowncountry.com tote bag, and if you subscribe for two years, you'll get a FREE... continued

How the Sun Affects Our Weather

October 23, 2012
We know that the sun is only partly the cause of climate change (most of it, alas, is caused by us), but periodic solar flares (or coronal mass ejections--CMEs) can have profound "space weather" effects on power grids and the... continued