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What’s in a (Movie) Name?
November 2, 2012Names identify who we are (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show). We all try to be careful not to give our kids "funny" names that will haunt them throughout their lives. Well, movies may have shorter lives than... continued
We’re Vulnerable to Germ Warfare
November 2, 2012There are lots of attacks that don't involve bombs--or flying jets into buildings, as happened on 911 (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to these shows). One of the things we need to guard against is a terrorist attack that uses... continued
Microorganisms Are Controlling Your Brain
November 2, 2012The new science of evolutionary medicine asks the question: who (or WHAT) benefits when people show symptoms of a disease? Often, it's the microbes that are causing the disease in the first place. For instance, cold symptoms. When an infected... continued
8 to 10 Million Experience Sandy-Related Power Failures
November 2, 2012Hurricane Sandy is weakening and moving faster than anticipated. A computer model developed by an engineer at The Johns Hopkins University is now predicting fewer power outages than initially expected. Seth Guikema is predicting that an overall cumulative total of... continued
Not Yet Ready for the Road
November 1, 2012Having a hard time parallel parking? Press a button on a touch screen and let the car park itself. This isn't just a dream, but a reality--that really could happen in the future (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this... continued
Mood Food
November 1, 2012A new study has discovered that our mood for food can be changed by a restaurant’s choice of music and lighting, leading to increased satisfaction and REDUCED calorie intake (NOTE: The PRICE has now been reduced too!) Can't afford a... continued
Who Steals Art?
November 1, 2012There have been some major art thefts from museums lately and when this happens, the public often thinks back to films like "The Thomas Crown Affair" and "How to Steal a Million," where sophisticated thieves rappel down through skylights to... continued
Should We Dread the Future?
October 31, 20122012 is here--will we have a future? According to ancient Mayan prophecies (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show), the world may end in December, and we agree that change is coming, but we don't think it has to... continued
The Black Death was a Form of Evolution
October 31, 2012Studying the Medieval skeletons of people who went through the European plague (also called the Black Death), which killed 30% of Europeans, including nearly half of the people in London, between 1347 and 1351, may help us understand how disease... continued
Seafood Saved Them
October 31, 2012The ocean off the coast of New York once had a bivalve population of TRILLIONS that once protected the area from storm surges stabilized the shoreline from Washington to Boston. The best place for oysters is in the margin between... continued