How the Sun Affects Our Weather

October 23, 2012
We know that the sun is only partly the cause of climate change (most of it, alas, is caused by us), but periodic solar flares (or coronal mass ejections--CMEs) can have profound "space weather" effects on power grids and the... continued

Your Body Language Reveals Your Secrets

October 23, 2012
Considering President Barack Obama and GOP nominee Mitt Romney are seeking the nation's top job, watching the debates could be just the prep needed to ace your own next job interview. While pointing fingers, interrupting and smirking are never recommended... continued

UNcrossing the Border

October 23, 2012
During the Presidential debates, we continue to hear warnings about the "Mexicanization" of the US--a warning that whites may soon be in the minority and Spanish will become our lingua franca. But all this is irrelevant: We are having a... continued

Find a Paranormal Profession

October 23, 2012
The recession has hit some people harder than others. For instance, how does a Wiccan, psychic investigator, ghost hunter, time traveler or astral traveler get a REAL job? It isn't easy: On the Career Cast website, Kyle Kensing quotes Joe... continued

Why Are People So Crazy? Reality TV!

October 22, 2012
One of the reasons that people may vote against their own interests is the popularity of Reality TV shows. We begin to exhibit symptoms and behaviors indistinguishable from what the real world would understand as a persecutory delusion. The closer... continued

Strange Artifacts on Mars

October 22, 2012
Strange black objects (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show) have been seen from 200 miles above the surface of Mars. They appear when the surface of Mars begins to warm up, and show up in the same location... continued

Film Crew Arrested at Area 51

October 22, 2012
Military personnel arrested a BBC film crew at the secret Area 51 military base in Nevada where UFO conspiracy theorists claim US authorities are keeping bodies of aliens and debris from a spacecraft that crashed in Roswell, New Mexico in... continued

When a Comet Exploded in the Air

October 19, 2012
Ever since the publication of the groundbreaking book the Cycle of Cosmic Catastrophes in 2006, a controversy has raged about whether or not the explosion of a comet over southern Canada almost 13,000 years ago might have led to the... continued

Special Offer Ends at Midnight Monday

October 18, 2012
Despite all the warnings (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show), there really IS going to be a 2013, and you can make your especially beautiful by using Lucy Pringle's magnificent, mysterious and uplifting new calendar--her annual selection of... continued

Deserts Were Once Wet–On Mars as Well as Earth

October 18, 2012
The deserts of Utah and Nevada have not always been dry: Between 14,000 and 20,000 years ago, valleys throughout the desert southwest filled with water to become large lakes, which--at their maximum--covered about a quarter of both those states. And... continued