Slow Motion Disaster

October 16, 2012
A process that began 50 million years ago-- the slow motion breakup of the Indo-Australian tectonic plate into two pieces--isn't over yet. In fact, they think it caused the two massive April 11 earthquakes beneath the Indian Ocean off the... continued

Quitting Makes You Nicer

October 16, 2012
Quitting smoking makes you healthier AND it makes you nicer. And it turns out that while blacks have a harder time quitting, there is no difference in the quitting ability between the sexes. Once you DO quit, you'll not only... continued

We Need Robot Laws

October 16, 2012
We need laws on Earth, we need laws in space, and some people think that, since robots will work directly with people in the future, we need laws for THEM to follow too! The Economist quotes roboticist Hugh Herr as... continued

Special Offer for One Week Only

October 15, 2012
Despite all the warnings (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show), there really IS going to be a 2013, and you can make your especially beautiful by using Lucy Pringle's magnificent, mysterious and uplifting new calendar--her annual selection of... continued

Private Spacecraft Docked at ISS

October 15, 2012
It's a first! Space X has created a cargo craft that brought supplies to the International Space Station on October 10th, a task that NASA usually takes care of. Space X has signed a $1.6 billion contract with NASA for... continued

When Medicine Kills

October 15, 2012
The US now spends around $15 billion a year fighting illegal drugs that are often grown on foreign soil, while medicines that are produced right here in the US are killing people. No one knows exactly what share of medicines... continued

Gigantic Eyeball Found on Florida Beach

October 15, 2012
Beachcombing is a tougher job than it seems to be: First it was severed feet (still wearing sneakers!) washing up on beaches of Canada. Now it's a giant eyeball washing up on the Florida shore. Could this be something alien?... continued

Free for Subscribers!

October 12, 2012
The best things in life are--well, you know. And we have good news for you: New subscribers who subscribe for one year will get a FREE tote bag, and if you subscribe for two years, you'll get a FREE... continued

Different Sexes Laugh at Different Jokes

October 12, 2012
Both men and women seem to believe that men are funnier than women. And men are particularly responsive to other men's humor. Women, however, find men funnier because they mistakenly attribute funny things to men. Women often say they prefer... continued

Government Won’t Release Secret JFK Assassination Documents

October 12, 2012
What are they hiding? (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show). The National Archives says it won't release the over 1,000 secret assassination documents they are holding, due to the insistence of the CIA that they keep them secret.... continued