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Educated People Got in Deeper
October 11, 2012During the recent financial crisis, it was the very people you'd think would KNOW BETTER who went most deeply into debt--the BETTER EDUCATED consumers! Overall, the percentage of Americans who were paying more than 40% of their income for debts... continued
Fat Pills
October 11, 2012The bacteria that lives in all of our guts may explain why we're fat. Farmers fatten up their livestock by feeding them antibiotics and when we eat meat and poultry, this may make US fat too. When scientists fed young... continued
The 2013 Crop Circle Calendar is Here!
October 10, 2012And yes, despite all the warnings (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show), there really IS going to be a 2013, and you can make yours especially beautiful by using Lucy Pringle's magnificent, mysterious and uplifting new calendar--her annual... continued
Dinosaur Doom
October 10, 2012Planets die (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this provocative interview). The Earth is still alive, despite having had at least two major extinctions in the past. The most-studied mass extinction in Earth history happened 65 million years ago and... continued
Black Holes Mean a Permanent Exit
October 10, 2012A black hole is a region in space where the pull of gravity is so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape. Black holes billions of times bigger sive than our sun may be at the heart of most... continued
Repair Your Brain
October 10, 2012What kind of shape is YOUR brain in? Have you had an injury that has affected the way it functions? (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to these shows). Help is on the way: researchers have created a prosthetic device capable... continued
How Do We Recognize People? By Their Teeth!
October 9, 2012Anne Strieber asked herself this question after she recovered from a brain aneurysm and found she had a hard time doing it. Later, she found out that sometimes birds recognize faces more easily than we do! Scientists have found new... continued
Our Poles are Wandering Around
October 9, 2012Earth's axis is shifting, causing the geographic locations of the North and South Poles to change or "wander." This has happened several times (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show) in the Earth's history. Are you having trouble sleeping?... continued
Lying is Unhealthy
October 9, 2012There's nothing wrong with a little white lie occasionally--it's the big ones that bother us. But there's justice in the world: It turns out that liars are LESS HEALTHY than the rest of us, and that telling the truth when... continued
The 2013 Crop Circle Calendar is Here!
October 9, 2012And yes, despite all the warnings (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show), there really IS going to be a 2013, and you can make yours especially beautiful by using Lucy Pringle's magnificent, mysterious and uplifting new calendar--her annual... continued