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Bald is Good
October 8, 2012If you have lemons, make lemonade. If you're a man whose hair is thinning, don't comb it over, go proudly bald BEFORE it happens naturally! A recent study reveals that men with shaved heads are perceived to be more masculine,... continued
You Can be Controlled by Lasers
October 5, 2012Will brain control (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show) someday make us all obedient servants? In the quest to understand how the brain turns sensory input into behavior, scientists have used precisely-targeted lasers to take over an animal's... continued
Blue Book Stopped Too Soon
October 5, 2012Starting in the 1958, the Air Force's Project Blue Book investigated over 12,000 UFO sightings, before being closed down in 1969. More than 700 of these sightings were labeled as "unidentified." Retired Col. Robert Friend was assigned to direct the... continued
Why We’re So Rude on the Internet
October 5, 2012Most people join social networks like Facebook in order to MAKE friends, but in the process, they often end up LOSING them instead, because people tend to become surprisingly nasty to each other online, texting things they would never say... continued
How our Brains FEEL Metaphors
October 4, 2012Our language and literature are so full of metaphors that we rarely notice them--but our BRAIN does. For instance, when a character's personality is described as "rough" or "smooth," we can relate to what this means because we've felt surfaces... continued
New Discovery: Another Planet That May Harbor Life
October 4, 2012A system of planets has been discovered in the constellation Cygnus orbiting a double star. It was not thought that this was possible, and planetary scientists are saying that it will lead to a complete revision of our understanding of... continued
Two About to Blow
October 4, 2012An enormous magma dome is growing under the Greek Island of Santorini, while pressures are building inside Japan's Mt. Fuji. And things aren't so quiet right here in the US either! A new survey suggests that the chamber of molten... continued
When Physicians and Vets Work Together
October 3, 2012We catch diseases from animals (and they catch them from us), but this also means we sometimes share the same physical ailments. Physicians have begun to realize that they can get good information about their human patients by consulting with... continued
Burning Coal May Seal Our Doom
October 3, 2012The US isn't the only country facing the coal conundrum, meaning we have plenty of coal, but don't want to burn it, because it causes pollution and climate change. On oilprice.com, Charles Kennedy reports that the Australian state of Queensland... continued
Think You’re a Woman? You May be Part Male!
October 3, 2012Male DNA is commonly found in the brains of women, most likely derived from prior pregnancy with a male fetus. While the medical implications of male DNA and male cells in the brain are unknown, the harboring of genetic material... continued