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Want a Successful President? Elect a Psychopath!
September 14, 2012The fearless dominance associated with psychopathy may be an important predictor of U.S. presidential performance. On the Medical Xpress website, Carol Clark relates the following story: "After a gunman shot him in the chest in 1912, Theodore Roosevelt went ahead... continued
How to Tell Who to Trust
September 13, 2012We hate to think that our personalities are all based on a combination of genes and hormones, but that's increasing turning out to be true. For instance, the female reproductive hormone oxytocin (which men have too) may determine while some... continued
Junk DNA: What’s it For?
September 13, 2012Scientists have discovered a lot of DNA that we don't seem to have a use for, so they've called it "junk" DNA. But now they may be discovering that it's not just junk, after all. They now think that at... continued
Bacteria Gobbled it Up
September 13, 2012That BP Oil spill (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show) did some awful things to the Gulf. But now it turns out that, over a period of 5 months, naturally-occurring bacteria in the water ate it all up.... continued
They Know Who You Are
September 12, 2012Crows are mighty smart birds: They share with humans (MOST humans, anyway) the ability to recognize faces and associate them with negative, as well as positive, feelings. Researchers documented this by having some people feed captured crows while wearing negative... continued
What’s Wrong With Drugs in Sports?
September 12, 2012Lance Armstrong, the seven-time Tour de France winner, has been stripped of his victories by the US Anti-Doping Agency for using illicit performance-enhancing drugs. This is happening in almost every sport and in Wired.com, Ian Steadman asks, "Why don't we... continued
Watch Out: Methane Coming
September 12, 2012The Antarctic Ice Sheet may be a major source of the potent greenhouse gas methane. Old organic matter frozen beneath it may have been converted to methane by micro-organisms living there under oxygen-deprived conditions, and as the ice melts, the... continued
Daydreaming About Peace
September 12, 2012Lots of us daydream about how different the world would be if the 9/11 attacks had never happened (or maybe only happened in a parallel universe). Is daydreaming a sign of intelligence or creativity? It turns out that it's a... continued
Stress May be GOOD for You
September 11, 2012Not the awful stress that so many people encountered on 9/11 (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to these shows) but just a LITTLE anxiety--it may help you focus and perform at your peak. In the June 19th edition of the... continued
One Enduring Legacy of 9/11
September 11, 2012Despite some doubts about what really happened on September 11, 2001, we all appreciate the heroism that was shown by so many on that day. That attack led to the TSA lines we all now have to stand in line--often... continued