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Our Brain Takes Snapshots
August 29, 2012It turns out that the human brain takes a series of snapshots, very quickly, that appears to us as continuous perception. This is the way a movie filmstrip works--the dark line between each frame tricks the eye and the brain... continued
Salt Has a Bad Reputation
August 28, 2012Sugar can make you stupid and margarine makes you aggressive and salt gives you high blood pressure, right? Wrong. Nutritionists used to tell us that salt would raise our blood pressure, cause hypertension and increase the risk of premature death,... continued
Can Animals Outrun Climate change?
August 28, 2012Nearly one-tenth of hemisphere's mammals are unlikely to outrun climate change. A safe haven could be out of reach for 9% of the Western Hemisphere's mammals, and as much as 40% in certain regions, because the animals just won't move... continued
Bad Sperm in Israel–We Know Why
August 28, 2012Sperm quality is down everywhere, and the suspected causes range from estrogen in our drinking water to pesticides, but Israel worse off than other developed countries. This is a real problem for women looking for IVF fertilization. In the August... continued
Eat Dessert After Breakfast
August 27, 2012A weight researcher claims that dieters have less hunger and cravings throughout the day and are better able to keep off lost weight if they eat dessert after breakfast. Endocrinologist Daniela Jakubowicz says, "The goal of a weight loss diet... continued
What About Airport Germs?
August 27, 2012As if X-rays weren't enough, we have to take our shoes off in an airport. Do we pick up dangerous germs if we've forgotten to wear socks? And what about those bins--is the TSA line going to replace hospitals as... continued
Memory May be Genetic
August 27, 2012We know that we inherit genes from our ancestors, but can we inherit their memories? This happens among animals and insects: Birds are born with their migration patterns within them and the Monarch butterfly, for instance, makes a long trip... continued
You’re Being WATCHED
August 24, 2012A camera system called "Trapwire," created by the CIA, is being installed in the US. Closed-circuit TV surveillance of this sort is common in the UK, where cameras were set up on city streets years ago to detect IRA bombings,... continued
Teleportation is Real
August 24, 2012A Chinese team of researchers have teleported a qubit (a standard unit of data in quantum computing) over 60 miles. In the Daily Mail, Mark Prigg reports that a group of European and Canadian researchers say they've beaten this coup... continued
UK Ends UFO Investigations, Despite Many Unexplained Sightings
August 24, 2012The Ministry of Defense (MOD--the UK equivalent of the Pentagon in the US) will no longer investigate UFO sightings after ruling there is "no evidence" they pose a threat, despite the fact that a senior aviation official has admitted that... continued