Don’t Hate Me Because I’m Beautiful

September 5, 2012
Studies have shown that attractive people get more attention. Beautiful women, for instance, get promoted more often. But when it comes to APPLYING for the job, sex roles are reversed: Women who attached an attractive photo to their resumes got... continued

Bacteria Fights Off Viruses

September 5, 2012
There may be a good reason why our bodies are covered with bacteria: It turns out that bacteria fights off viruses. Science Daily quotes researcher David Artis as saying, "From our studies in mice, we found that signals derived from... continued

Turn Memory On With the Flip of a Switch

September 4, 2012
Scientists have learned how to turn memories on and off with the flip of a switch. And while most of us, as we get older, want to remember more (for instance, people's names), some people want to FORGET some of... continued

Dads Pass Stress to Their Daughters

September 4, 2012
Dads have a lot to answer for. A study conducted with mice suggests that a woman’s risk of anxiety and dysfunctional social behavior may depend on the experiences of her parents, particularly fathers, when they were young. The study suggests... continued

Indians Want to Buy Their Land Back

September 4, 2012
The Black Hills in South Dakota were stolen from the Sioux (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this interview) in 1877 by the US government. Now, the tribe wants to get their sacred sites back, and (thanks to their casinos),... continued

Meditation Changes the Brain

September 3, 2012
There's almost no limit to the value of meditation. A scientist studying the Chinese mindfulness meditation known as integrative body-mind training (IBMT) says that he and other researchers have confirmed that it changes the structural efficiency of white matter in... continued

Why We Hate Waiting in Line

September 3, 2012
These days, flying to another city or country involves a lot of waiting in line. First we wait in the TSA line, then--at the end of the trip--we wait in line to get our luggage. When Houston airport started getting... continued

Don’t Eat It, Recycle It!

August 31, 2012
With concerns about the possible health and environmental effects of oil dispersants in the Deepwater Horizon disaster still fresh in mind, scientists have created a new dispersant made from edible ingredients that both breaks up oil slicks and keeps oil... continued

How to Change the Climate: Bioengineer Humans

August 31, 2012
If we can't get human beings to stop contributing to climate change, maybe we need to re-eingineer humans. Many contactees (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this interview) think "the Grays" are biological machines--maybe we need to be that too.... continued

Autism May Happen Because We’re Too Clean

August 31, 2012
Autism may be caused by sperm degeneration in older dads, but it could ALSO be caused by a weakened immune system in the mother. Modern immune systems are less efficient than those in the past. Why? Because we're too clean!... continued