Future of Mosquito-Borne Disease Will be Surprising

August 22, 2012
Dengue fever most likely will become a disease the United States must learn to live with as climate change creates opportunities for the disease to gain a foothold. But after careful study of the disease’s characteristics, the mosquitoes that carry... continued

A Good Reason to Smile

August 22, 2012
There's nothing like a smile--it's a powerful tool, because it helps us heal. Feeling good usually makes us smile, but does it work the other way around? Can smiling actually make us feel better?  Psychologists investigated the potential benefits of... continued

Teachers are Changing Their Local Ecologies

August 22, 2012
They're not doing it by talking to their students about climate change in their classrooms, they're doing it at the END of the school year, by releasing the exotic pets they're kept in their science labs all year. Since most... continued

Your Boss isn’t Just Smart, He’s LUCKY

August 21, 2012
We should stop praising the world's top CEOs because a new study by a business journal shows that they are not as good as everyone thinks they are--they're LUCKY! In the June 25th edition of the Financial Times, Lucy Kellaway... continued

Smartphone Apps Protect and Warn

August 21, 2012
Iphones make many of us nervous, but new iphone apps can save you from both big and small problems. One of these apps warns you about high levels of solar activity, which fluctuates over an 11-year cycle, It's likely to... continued

Heat is the Biggest Killer

August 21, 2012
When it comes to bad weather, heat waves kill more people than tornadoes, blizzards or hurricanes, which doesn't bode well for global warming. For instance, during 3 excruciating weeks in August of 2003, an epic heat wave broiled parts of... continued

Your Cell Phone is Keeping TRACK of You

August 20, 2012
You may think you're carrying a cell phone around in your pocket or purse, but what you're really carry is a GPS-emitting device that allows you to be tracked--not only where you go, but what you buy, where and when... continued

Who Was Hurt by Fukushima

August 20, 2012
The radiation in the air due to the Fukushima meltdown does not seem to have been high enough to effect human beings. But there is one species it has devastated: butterflies. Exposure to radioactive material released into the environment has... continued

Duped by Our Own Brains

August 20, 2012
Why do the elderly support politicians who want to do away with Medicare and Social Security? Scientists say this is because a specific area of the brain has deteriorated or is damaged. By examining patients with various forms of brain... continued

Listen to Anne and Whitley on Internet Radio

August 17, 2012
Whitley and Anne Strieber were on Unicus Radio with Bob Stanley (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show and to this one too). To listen to the archived show or download it as an MP3, click here. continued